Here’s a huge gallery of photos dating as far back as 2003 from Union Square and other parts of NYC. Also, don’t miss the gallery below it of character art from the Matchgame Postcard and elsewhere.
I am still going through the thousands of images I’ve got backed up and uploading them here, so if a section seems sparse, check back another day and see it grow!
Teddy reading Jeremy’s sign
The day after 420 this pothead was looking for pot
Teddu with frisbee & postcard on the day I met him
The day I met Teddy/Wendell’s hat thief
Pothead looking for pot
Gandalf insisted I get a picture of him with his hands out so that I draw him in the position on the postcard
Jake & Diana
Vlad in a suit
Tabatha dancing at park
Deadhead Girl in orange corcet w/crutch
Visa presents #StreetTaps where you can donate money using your credit card
Green Graver girl in red & black stripes
Tabatha (Rachel) dancing in pink
Jake perspective from shoe
Woman with ripped thong showing/Laundry Day
Normal Bob sits above No Your City Normal Bob place-holder
Group photo of tourists with selfie stick
Met Will today who was high on weed and ran off with a girl’s $40 she gave him for LSD.
Ali with rolling paper looking thinner, and the beard shaven off
Shaggy & Tabatha
Russian Drunk posing for picture
Russian Drunk & Nick looking at selfies
Guy with RAPE ME sign wearing fake tits & dildo
Tourist Family looking around
Guy with RAPE ME sign wearing fake tits & dildo
Jake with his head shaved, and a touch of the flu.
Jake told me not to take pictures of him because he’s sick. I took one and showed it to him, and he said “Oh my god. Take more.”
Jake profile with scarf
Wendell stands astonished having just had his hat swiped from his head
Bianca & her Rat
Spanky the dog needs your help. Thank you & God Bless!
Sean in his Clockwork Orange hat
Lotion Man lying on floor of park
Blonde dancer girl balancing on railing
Acrobat balancing on rail
Kat in Black
Petra reading Matchgame postcard map
Shaggy & Michael Alig at Starbucks
Emily showing her new ring
Nessa from Florida
Mary who always asks for change
Nessa from Florida
Jenkos (Nick) Jncos
Normal Bob & Te’Devan, the Slacker Prophets
Carly in Black Flag tee
Peeper Picture Peeping Legal Observer
Legal Observer legally observing a demonstration
Wagon house being used by “homeless” as shelter on Broadway & 13th
Nicole in boots
I’m showing you Matty’s sunburn
Matty Ice smirking
Nessa with 2 black eyes & a beer
Sasha from Paterson NJ
Sasha from Paterson NJ
Sasha from Paterson NJ
Bianca & Blanch
Nessa with black eye from a fight the night before
Christians Tom & Yo
Tabatha (Rachel) the iPhone 5 girl
Spidey won’t go away
Matty & Tabatha
Union Square punk rockers
Julie with fresh haircut
Nicole in boots
Cute Crusty Cate
Shaggy & Airborne
Jesus (TRex) with his bucket drums
Jenkos & I pose with a guy who sat too close behind me. Later that day I saw the stranger being arrested and put into a police van. I suspect he’s a thief and was scoping us out.
Joan & Man in Dress
Megan in Orange w/orange juice
Airborne & Shaggy
Alexandra with her new Tattoo
Inna topless with Wendell Headley
Matty Ice Pranked
Nickles & Dean
Dean, Shaggy & Greg
Shaggy photobombing Junky Joe
Inna topless with Wendell Headley
Megan with Bamboo Fighting Staff
Lola plays Mandolin
Megan after just getting beaten up by a construction worker
Guy in blue called this his “Natural Bluetooth”
Nessa w/Stolen PBR
Suha Qasem, female bodybuilder/PHD looking at the postcard
Qween Amor with Disarm Police sign at May Day demonstration
Loud Lady using binoculars to flip-off customers of Wholefoods
Inna Smoking
Inna exposes her breast for photo
Female bodybuilder Suha Qasem looking at the Union Square postcard I’d just given her
Gary & Inna meet for the first time
Gary with New Pipe
New Park Rule added to all the signs at Union Square South, a couple of them were ripped off before the day’s end.
Signs (JR)
Nessa the traveler
Boxer Doug “Cobra” DeWitt
Intense Hardcore Hipster who’s been walking through and sitting at Union Square with lots of purpose lately.
Youth group of 200 Christian kids from Houston Texas sang and spread the word of Jesus Christ
This guy comes early in the afternoon to proselytize about the Khazarian Jews conspiracy
This guy comes early in the afternoon to proselytize about the Khazarian Jews conspiracy
Colorful Inna
Inna flirtatious
His mother dubbed him Tweak, and he is indeed a Jugallo
This guy comes early in the afternoon to proselytize about the Khazarian Jews conspiracy
Ayelyi and her beaded necklace
Ayelyi & friend trying to sell their necklaces at the park
Girls drinking Starbucks on their Smartphones
Maddy, Sid, Old School, Molly & Matty Ice in Weirdo Corner
Spidey telling his story like only he can
Would somebody help this homeless kitty out?
Etta joins X in his daily gymnastics
Mile is a fan who loves the channel and discovered it through the viral Wendell’s Hat Thief video
Shaggy & Normal Bob with young fan Miles
Tanza wearing metal necklace she made wouldn’t let me interview her because she doesn’t know me well enough yet.
Woman in giant glasses she’s had for years and wears every summer
Nicole & her mom
Nicole in top she made out of Trip pants
Selfie-stick Couple take selfie
Alexa poses before visit
Justine Bieber son protects his tourist family from my camera
Bianca’s dog Blanch poses for picture
Bianca & Blanch coming to visit
Shaggy on sausage railing
Stylish Performers who were hola-hooping were happy to pose for me
Normal Bob & Jake
Tabatha (iPhone 5 girl)
Normal Bob takes selfie in Bianca’s new shades that she found at a thrift shop
Alexa in her Head
Inna & Alexa
American Horror Story’s Mat Fraser with Union Square Postcard
Baffled tourist family trying to figure shit out
Alexa, from Stanton Island, smilng
Tweak as Clown from Slipknot mask
Normal Bob & Matty Ice are good pals now
The strange Alexa
Lotion Man (Danny Klein) trying to lay low at the Square
Alexa in her new boots
Will with his drawing of Wendell
Alexandra with guitar
Signs & Sammy conflicting
Normal Norm
Matthew Silver & Qween Amor before their Anti-shopping demonstration
Fan who wanted to meet us
Fans who came to get a postcard
Lotion Man (Danny Klein)
Normal Bob
Dayday & Skate Or Die sitting and not dying
Nicole in ripped jeans and parasol
Pretty Boy Jake under an Umbrella
Alexanda covered in Flour
Sasha with blue hair & cigarette
Busted Lamp at Union Square
Ratchet Girl Poses
Nicole in Black Bra & Chain
Kameltoe poses in clashing patterns
Shawn Preaching about the Lie of Evolution
Tourists watch boxers
Green Graver Girl
Jeremy with his Free Hugs sign
Casper showing his red snake-eye contacts
Matty Ice needs Help 4 food & change
Street Preacher kneeling at the Square
Matty & Molly
Normal Bob, Joey Boots & Shaggy at the Square
Samir looking cute
“Free Spirit” attempts to make my friend leave by sitting directly behind him like this.
Normal Bob the day before his birthday
Roman Shusterman smiling & waving
Shaggy with Pink Parasole
Diana, Nadia & Normal Bob one day before his 45th birthday
Normal Norm in horns & toy star glasses
Nick (No Your City) with the sign he just bought from Roman
Nicole with boy in hat
Roman Shusterman
Black & blue haired girl with crown of pink flowers
Wendell peeks through chocolate frosted dounut
Wendell Smokes Money
Closeup of Tabatha wrapped in blanket
Tabatha wrapped in blue blanket
Richy explaining his blueprints for paradise to people on the steps of Union Square
Tabatha in NORMAL IS BORING shirt
Spidey singling me out
Matty Ice
Suha Qasem, Female Bodybuilder/PHD poses for picture
Suha Qasem, Female Bodybuilder/PHD with bright blue eyes poses for picture
Spidey in his signature hat
Songwriter Kameltoe with purple hair & vest
Roman doesn’t want to offend girls, but…
Pretty Boy Jake laughing
Shaggy feeding Inna a cigarette
Quest For Fire in legwarmers
The Blue Eyes of Matty Ice
Maksim Katsnelson dressed as Superman climbs George Washington statue at the Square
Puppy-eyed traveler girl at the Square
Cute traveler smiling at the Square
Sasha smoking her cigarette at the Square
Lotion Man in an oversized suit & flip flips high on life
Normal Bob Smith at Union Square
Wendell with a Donut
Sasha poses Hunter S. Thompson style at the Square
Nicole & Bianca pose under a parasole at the Square
Shiroshi with cat-eye lenses
Demetri & Gavin with erotic women on their boards
Wendell & Sid with scooter
Frank & Lo (Upper-crust)
Upper-crust Girls getting annoyed that it’s taking too long for me to take a picture
Man with very long dreads that go under his coat
Qween Amor in devil horns
Suave the Poet on the bike he stole from Soho Grand Hotel
Shaggy teabags his dad for a photo with fans
Emily’s Rings she bought off a street vender in Brooklyn
Punk rock kid telling me about just getting out of jail
These guys were also selling tee shirts, and one of my top ten regrets in life is not buying one.
Can Collector
Earth Angel
Angelica in cute post winter outfit
Redhead Woman with Braids
Shaggy & Frank Shirtless
Green Graver in Red Contact lenses
Peeper peeps Roman’s Free Massage
Hawk (OCD) here to sweep up
Shaggy & Richie on the nod. Only one of them is kidding
Woman eating chocolate pizza from Max Brenner’s (weird teeth)
Girls get naked for demonstration while Andy stares at them
Trail of green slime left behind by garbage carried away
Signs sorts his change into dollar piles
Wiman in heelless shoes made popular by Lady Gaga
Bikini top woman in heelless boots
Candy Raver
Police use cameras mounted on roof of truck aimed at Methadone Alley to deter junkies
October Scratching Katya
Iggy & Matt
Man shows extra K9 teeth
Woman passed out and spilled drink on herself
Richie & Eve lying down on steps
Roman with his controversial LOWER AGE OF CONSENT sign
Morgan in makeup Grinning
Sage (Cockroach) FREE MASSAGING Roman in return for Roman massaged him
Shaggy & Ex Bodybuilding Junky pose
Hawk (OCD) with Swastika drawn on forehead pretending to be Manson
Itchy Richie and Eve Sty Lee
Man I thought looked like Crumb’s Mr. Natural
Hawk (OCD) in the shirt he later sold Shaggy
Samir in Tight Dress
Samir drawing next to Green Graver Girl
Candy Raver Girl
Odd man in Superman shirt (video below)
The beautiful Lee, who famously through Signs out of the park (video below)
Clos up of man asleep under The Cube with pizza
Angelica in circular chades
Spidey in a vest
Samir during our conversation about Black Veil Brides
Man asleep under the Cube with a pizza
Jersey Mall Punk Girl
Freddy shows us his teeth
Wendell’s orange hate from behind
Dayday in fancy clothes and fox tail
Girl wearing corset on top of her clothes
Dreaded Skater with his board
Dusty with Dinner
Furry Raver Girls
Candy Raver Dancing
Man in Wig
Casper in Vinyl
Gravers go into battle with Water Cannons
Green Graver Girl
Lost Tourists
Wendell getting arrested by a cop wearing rubber gloves. A woman accused Wendell of hitting her.
Juggalo showing off his Hatchetman necklace
Wendell under arrest
Jeremy keeps a finger on his tattered sign while Goth Vlad poses with it
Women Tourists
Wendell shaking down a photographer who took his picture
Richie & Eve Sty Lee
Morgan laughing
Morgan smiling
Weird man with lipstick on his nipples
Jake & Angelica in Pink Coats
Morgan with newly dyed orange hair
Inna being cute showing off new breasts
The Original Peepers of Union Square
Chris & Pink Haired Girl
Metal Mary & friend
Angelica in hat & lace top
Roman worships a girls feet while she looks at my Union Square postcard
Wendell holding hands with Green Monster
Wendell poses with Astronauts
Inna poses with friend at Union Square
Union Square in the afternoon
Samir, Blonde & Black
Wendell Headley
Pretty Boy Jake in cropped banges & ripped tee
Metal Mary in tight jeans
Jake takes a selfie with my camera
Cool kids posing on the steps of the Square
Angelica & Jake take a selfie with my camera at the Square
Pretty Boy Jake in ripped stockings & painted jacket
Homeless couple sleeping on sidewalk
Normal Bob Smith in 3D glasses selfie
Will (Too Many Fishes)
Samir with Contacts
Samir in shorts & light contact lenses
New York KIds hanging out at Union Square
Inna with black & blue hair
Trips trying to talk to black girl who’s ignoring him
Dusty with rainbow hair
Alexis from Halloween Adventure in black
Metal Mary in Unholy Army shirt
Jimmy Vega
Dayday dressed for Fall
Pretty Boy Jake in fall clothes
Kenya, Alex & Jake before a night out
Artist wearing Mannequin Legs Hat
Inna in very tight pants, hat & shades
Sammy in Orange
Man with Game Stop bag
Kid throwing a tantrum buries his face in the filthy Barney The Dinosaur toy that’s been outside of Boris’ Shoe Repair for over a decade
Woman in pink hailing cab
Hot Metal Chick in Guns n Roses shirt
Wendell & Signs standoff
Zippy with skateboard
Metal Mary & Dayday
Twin models
Inne lighting her cigarette
Inna in red
Inna in black hat and boots
Jake dressed in woman’s clothes & makeup
Bertha with pink & yellow hair
Angelica in tight pants & jacket
This man stared at the sun like this for a while at the park
This girl ran up to everyone laughing and posed with walnuts like so for a photograph
Girl pays fashionable tribute to Madonna
Signs sleeping next to WHO IS SEXY signs
Signs & Shaggy Father/Son at Union Square
Signs with japanese dragon marionettes to sell you
Jake with hair in bandana
Bertha gets her hair done by Dayday
Roman foot worships woman while crowd watches
Roman licks between girls toes at the Square
A woman takes a picture of Roman sucking her foot while crowd watches at the Square
Metal Mary with Contacts
Doorman Kicking in the Air
Mary bares her fangs
Roman draws a crowd worshipping a woman’s foot at the Square
Pretty Boy Jake with highlights
Pretty Boy Jake in short shorts on the steps
Dayday shows off front & back of his hand-drawn jacket
Wendell poses in his style invention
Camille & Paris hugging
Peeper I see all the time
Teenage Pretty Boy Jake
Maddy in colorful patched pants
Alafia in bunny stocking cap
Red haired party hostess in pink with cigarette
Park Rat teen hanging out at the Square
A stranger who was taking pictures of me while holding his camera with a pair of boy’s underwear
Angelica sitting in style on the steps
Woman in pink looking at Matchgame Postcard
Tourists taking each others picture in front of Roman & Nano-Tech demonstrations
Green Raver with frog backpack
Angry Union Square Pigeon
Shaggy & Crusty Cate with signs
Inna with pink & blonde hair
Scandinavian Girl w/Goggles giving peace sign
Bertha in colorful bra
Pretty girl with Guy on Leash
Chewy (Tarzan)
Te’Devan the Spiritual Intuitive Qi-Gong Healing Shaman
Rich’s Rambunctious Tattoo
Man (laughing) pretends to be hurt by freshly fallen lamp
Couple passed out cold in their own puke on subway bench
Black man in funny wig & heels
Peeper trying to look up woman with crossed legs’ skirt
The Black Rabbi and gang of peepers peeping
Woman blowing smoke in man’s face while she lights his cigarette
Tourist in ugly pink outfit taking pictures
Performer & Admirer
Wendell Headley in White
Inna holds a dildo between her legs that everyone wants to touch
Shaggy & Heidi at the Square
Dayday & Inna
Shaggy wearing a cowboy hat & FUCK THE PEOPLE tee shirt
Junky nodding between his own knees
Normal Bob in yellow shirt selfie
Henry & Shaggy selfie
Inna with blue hair at the Square
Henry feels Normal Bob’s shaved head at the Square
Kerin Rose Gold sporting another one of her spiked sunglasses
Drunk couple on F Train Platform in their own vomit
Signs (J.R.) smokes his cigarette through his nose
Andy the Dog Molester with a Puppy
Freddy on the steps of the Square
Bertha in a bra at the Square
My first sighting of club kids in my neighborhood
Guy sitting next to me lets a rat stick its head in his mouth
Daisey in Hawaiian style at the Square
80s Hiphop kids pose at the Square
Masha, Henry & Normal Bob Smith
Dayday showing off his shirt
Kalen Delaney on the phone at the Square
Man lounges in a shopping cart at the Square
Man dressed in red with red balloons at the Square
Street Preacher we call Nano-tech (because he also preaches about Nanotechnology)
Nano-tech the street preacher being photographed by Richard Edson
Street Preacher being mocked by NYU Students
Girl fans out several versions of my GOD IS FAKE flyers
Bertha & Dayday on the steps of the Square
Harrison & Dayday show off their style at the Square
Inna with pink & blonde hair at the Square
Kerin Rose Gold poses in glasses of her own design –
Confused tourists trying to figure out their location at the Square
Fast Eddie swinging his Nunchucks as part of his dance
B&T teenagers huddled together behind their leader
Tourist family pose for picture
Tourists in orange wearing backpack in front so as not to have belongings taken away by New Yorkers
Tall Skinny Redhead looking at Phone
Man on bike decked out in plush toys and decorations
Rich the Scenester
Paparazzi outside of Joe’s Pub
Baby Rat in Street in front of huge truck
Black woman in white gothic makeup
Tarzan (Junky the Barbarian)
Nodding Junky on 14th Street
Man in Yellow Rubber motorcycle Suit
Rich’s Huge Gauges
Inna acting like ugly Chicken Lady
Woman in red vinyl boots & hot pants outside of Gothic Renaissance
Pinkeye Peeper
Free Tibet, 911 Inside Job and Prayer Station all demonstrating at once at the Square
Man dressed as Baby in Diapers under Virgin sign
Graver with long Tongue & eye rolled back
Two Mormon Evangelists
Wendell Headley eating Ice Cream
Black Rabbi
60s Style Girl lighting cigarette
60s style hipster girl
Ram showing Pink Happy Bunny socks
Man rolls in Union Square puddle for $50
Peeper angrily staring at Girl who’s trying to ignore him
Peeper glaring at Girl
Peeper staring at Girl
Wendell Headley 2008
Fashionable woman in fake fur
Steph & Dayday
Men in White Shades & Ice Cream Cones
Tourist family with Alpha/Beta brothers
Man smiling at Free Hugs girl
Scene Girls 2008
Man shows Weird Teeth
Peeper Peeping
Juggalos on way to ICP show
Barefoot footprint in dog shit
Black Girl Smoking
Freddy Freestyling
Inna hanging out with Scene friends
Peeper who confronted me at Union Square
Authentic Skateboarder
Sathya Sia Baba strolls Human Garden
Bobby poses with Union Square sign in subway station
Normal Bob Smith & Te’Devan the 6′ 7″ Jew pose with his sign
This was a common sight in ’08
School Of Visual Arts girl leaning on pole
The day I put Jesus Dressup on the shelves of Toys R Us in Times Square and left them there
Roman in Disguise with Swastika sign
The infamous Birdcall Man of NYC
Woman w/Dog in Leg Cast
Woman in Lace Hat watching Demonstration agains Bush
Man who Shaggy calls Handsome Boy Modeling School because of the band
NYU Students in suits & shades pretending to be CIA
Man dressed as woman pushing cat in stroller
Man asleep on Lifeguard Promotion Bench
Peeper peeping Greg’s girlfriend
Hot Asian Biker Babe sitting on Chopper
Matt holding his Skateboard with I HEART HISPANIC CHICKS written on it
Man wearing pants with skull image on ass crack
LES Jules asleep on 8th & A
Girl with FREE BLOWJOB sign confuses gentleman
80s Hip Hop kids pose with boom boxes
Billy Rohan & Shaggy
Dawn & family out front of Wholefoods
Benno’s kid Johannas
Freddy, Shaggy & Greggy
Gregory Gordon yelling with fingers in ears as he always did during Free Speech Speakout
Gregory Gordon yelling with fingers in ears
Roman before any of his sexual demonstrations
Peeper staring up woman’s skirt
Shaggy fresh from a haircut wants his picture taken
Tourist Family
Goofy looking tourists probably Scandinavian
Tourist family watches something happen at Union Square Park
Colyn with her New York Shitty bag
Shaggy w/Punk Kid
Twelve Tribes Black Israelites preach to crowd out front of Wholefoods Union Square
Cute girl with dreads with cute dog
Saundra, Normal Bob & friend selfie
Lindsey’s Scalp Tattoo
Police shut down Starbucks after someone’s laptop is stolen
Shaggy in hat
Wendell Headley upset that I’m taking his picture
iPod street ads trying to appeal to Scenesters in 2006. Nick Purdue claimed to be the model.
I saw Sarah Silverman walking down 14th & A, so I stopped and gave her a set of my magnets. She was happy to pose with them.
Normal Bob & Insectavora at Odessa following the Bob Smith USA Premier
Pedo who tried to lure boy with cigarettes at Union Square
Kid, Shaggy & Dawn pose while child molester looks on in background
Girls admiring Jesus Dressup
Starbucks shut down by police while I’m designing Final Justice Jesus Dressup
Lindsey Salerno modeling skull shirt at Snakemonkey Studio
The day someone left a dead rabbit frozen in a block of ice at the Square. Shortly after this photo was taken it was removed by park services.
Kid smoking
Saundra & friend (these are the two who named Chewy)
Andy the Dog Molester
Mall Punk Girls
Genna & Shaggy
Chewy (Tarzan) when we first met him
Zen with Jesus Dressup magnets
When I asked this woman for a picture and telling her I loved her style and thought she looked great, she expressed her complete boredom with me, posed like this, then waved me away.
Andy The Dog Molester going after this couple’s dog
Andy would quite often pick up people’s dogs without asking.
Crispin wears his “What is it?” face while reluctantly accepting a set of my Final Justice Jesus Dressup magnets as he signs his “What Is It?” poster for me.
Dennis the Menace speaking out against Bush Regime
Everybody Hates Christ prank using T stickers that Noah & I put on busses
Happy girls on old bikes
Barney stuffed toy outside of Boris’s Shoe Repair
Blonde women in black fur coats
Lost Tourist Family & Mom Jeans
Tourist family sitting on railing waiting for something to happen
Tourists are the only ones who wear sunglasses as a family
You can tell they’re tourist because the local families don’t hang out all together
Lost tourists arguing over directions
Tourists arguing over which direction they should be going
Normal Bob Smith’s Crucified Satan tattoos
Fashionable Boy in pajama top sitting on rail
Girl with blood red hair and bracelets lying on boyfriend
Roc Rockit with fork in his nose
Normal Bob at Alt Coffee / photo by Venessa Nina
Alina in black
Jason Blank speaking against Bush
Jason Blank speaking against Bush
Man with enormous Pectorals
Sappo after just having an orange smoothy dumps over him for trying to take it from a stranger
Early photo of Roman Shusterman with ponytail before he started his sexual campaigns
Normal Bob Smith in Hat Profile
Old Woman Knitting who I still see there 10 years later
Wendell Headley asking me to pay for picture
Wendell Headley asking me for payment of picture
Marly hovering over very young girls
Noah acting silly
Normal Bob answers question about God outside Verb Coffee in Bedford Mall
Woman with Elephant Tattoo
Geoffrey Blank speaking with Huggies in background
Geoffrey Blank speaking against Bush
Normal Bob at Bedford Mall
Normal Bob answers question about God outside Verb Coffee in Bedford Mall
Genna dressed as purple fairy
Sleeping Man with Pee Trail
Nerd using TCC phone off 8th Street across from Astor Place Starbucks
Woman wearing Looney Toons Leather Coat
Woman laughing at Shaggy while taking his picture
Woman in ugly coat with target on back
Roc Rockit lighting a cigarette between performances
Rock Rockit about to stand with bowling ball hooked to earlobes
Roc Rockit with bowling ball suspended from earlobes
Roc Rockit with bowling ball suspended from earlobes
Headless Junky nodding
Face-Tat Guy
Hacky Sacker in shorts
Parking Meter across the street from Alt Coffee
Jason Blank with BOSH REGIME ENGINEERED 9-11 banner
Te’Devan the 6′ 7″ Jew healing a kid
Roc Rockit
We love Geoffrey Black signwas the beginning of the end of the No Police State Coalition as Geoffrey made it about himself
Cat on the Hat with two of his cats
This is the very first peeper we discovered whom we called “Peepers” following two girls out of the park.
One time I spoke on the megaphone about my atheism
Graver Girls with my GOD IS FAKE pins
Shaggy in Ramblin’ Bill’s Banners
This homeless woman was bothering these girls in Starbucks, so we asked them to pose for a picture
Police Officer in front of Foot Locker at Union Square
Old Man with FUCK BUSH sign gives the middle finger
Man with Man on Leash
White Man watching Black Man Arrested
Caz the Atheist Praying
Drunk passed out in Chinatown
Geoffrey Blank & the No Police State Coalition
Normal Bob with Dog on the steps of Union Square NYC
The day I waited outside the Stern Show to get on and was never let in.
Tourists in Liberty Crowns on St. Marks
Unholy Army of Catholic School Girls
Normal Bob & his Unholy Army
Me and Colyn at my usual spot in Union Square
Woman in cage for demonstration against torture in Falun Gong
Kyle & friend
Colyn & Kyle out on the town for Colyn’s birthday
Bridget holding one of my PRAY FOR SATAN flyers
Wendell Headley arriving at the Square for another day of work
Casper & Jo with UNHOLY ARMY pin
Jo’s Temporary Tattoo
Lady Ann sitting in the park
Bridget holding one of my PRAY FOR SATAN flyers
Cyclops got his name because for a whole year he walked around with a patch on his eye asking for spare change. On this day he a dying pigeon like a puppet asking people for money.
Cyclops got his name because for a whole year he walked around with a patch on his eye asking for spare change. On this day he a dying pigeon like a puppet asking people for money.
Girls from New Jersey we’d just met
Pink girl reading paper up the street from Strand Books
Jo selfie
Girl with sick Pigeon
Dorthy on the Boardwalk at Coney Island
Chloe Sevigny on The Boardwalk at Coney Island
Blonde giving peace sign with GOD IS FAKE flyer
I forever regret not paying these kids a dollar to sing a song about anything I want
Fat guy straddling Railing
Junkie nodding at Starbucks building indentation which no longer exists because of this sort of thing
Normal Bob distributing GOD IS FAKE flyers on Saint Marks
Cute Hair-lipped girl with GOD IS FAKE flyer
Asian Mall Punks sitting under The Cube at Astor Place
Photo includes Virgin Records, Foot Locker, building not yet Wholefoods, and the original Peepers
Anna & Normal Bob with redeye
Sitting in what used to be a Starbucks across Astor Place from Cooper Union
Tie-dye Woman who has really long finger & toenails (not showing)
Jo & Zoe
Shiva, Misha, David, Chris, Noah, Tom & Greg
Shaggy gives the finger
Girls make a GOD IS FAKE cake for me and make my day
Models Patrick & Eric, but more importantly a Union Square before Wholefoods
Normal Bob in Foxy Grandpa shirt and cowboy hat
Noah Ryder across the street from Union Square (notice no Wholefoods behind him)
Shaggy the year I met him (before Wholefoods)
Red Bastard
Normal Bob Smith in tight orange shirt
Normal Bob at Union Square
Antonella with mouthful of cake
Chris eating GOD IS FAKE cake
Laura smoking cigarette
Normal Bob doing Tai Chi at Union Square
David, Shiva, Greg & Tom burning a hole through Jesus Dressup flyer
The day of the New York City Blackout when we first met Colyn
2003 was my first official year at Union Square, and that spring I created my very own GOD IS FAKE flyer that the girls there loved handing out. Click here for more details.
Amazing Strangers Art Gallery
Trips Matchgame Postcard art
Matthew Silver for Matchgame Postcard art
Gravers for first Matchgame Postcard
Matty Ice Matchgame Postcard art
Pappy Peeper Matchgame Postcard art
Spidey for Matchgame Postcard art
Sketchgirl Nat for Matchgame Postcard art
Tony for Matchgame Postcard art
Signs for Matchgame Postcard art
Roman, Bodyguard & Jenkos Matchgame Postcard art
Lotion Man (Danny Klein) for Matchgame Postcard art
Joey Boots Matchgame Postcard art
Omar Matchgame Postcard art
Green Graver Girl for Matchgame Postcard art
Flips Matchgame Postcard art
Tourists Matchgame Postcard art
Dusty (Zack) for Matchgame Postcard
Turd/Mark Matchgame Postcard art
Wendell for Matchgame Postcard art
Pen & Ink of DJ at Union Square NYC
Portrait Peeper for Matchgame Postcard art
Inna Matchgame Postcard art
Red Nose Peeper for Matchgame Postcard art
Irving for first Matchgame Postcard
Pretty Boy Jake Matchgame Postcard art
Sage (Cockroach) Matchgame Postcard art
Suave The Poet for Matchgame Postcard art
Pen & Ink of the Original Union Square Peepers whom we named “Peepers”
Itchy Richy for Matchgame Postcard art
Sasha Janegs digitized in Adobe Illustrator
Sid for Matchgame Postcard art
Pen & Ink of Dizzy at Union Square NYC
Normal Bob for Matchgame Postcard art
Inna for Matchgame Postcard art
Portrait of Inna digitized in Adobe Illustrator
Paki Peeper for Matchgame Postcard art
Crip for Matchgame Postcard art
Freddy for Matchgame Postcard art
Jeffrey Babbit drawn in remembrance of a true Union Square character
Chewy (Tarzan) for the Macthgame Postcard art
Bitches Don’t Know Matchgame Postcard art
Deadbeat Blogger for Matchgame Postcard art
Pretty Boy Jake for Matchgame Postcard art
Hat In The Cat Matchgame Postcard art
Morgan for Matchgame Postcard
Wendell Headley digitized in Adobe Illustrator for Amazing Strangers logo
Free Hugs Nazi for Matchgame Postcard art
Che for Matchgame Postcard art
Funny Valentine for first Matchgame Postcard art
Jeremy (Free Hugs) for Matchgame Postcard art
Dayday for Matchgame Postcard
Suave the Poet (Tits) for Matchgame Postcard art
Dizzy Dancing Dad Matchgame Postcard art
Blizzard Man for first Matchgame Postcard
Freya for Matchgame Postcard art
Cigar Peeper for Matchgame Postcard art
Russian Drunk for Matchgame Postcard art
Pretty Boy Jake digitized in Adobe Illustrator
Qween Amor Matchgame Postcard art
Transistor Radio Matchgame Postcard art
$Def Mark & Huggies for Matchgame Postcard art
Handsome Boy Modeling School for first Matchgame Postcard