Category Archives: Hate Mail

Finally more fun Hate Mail

Finally, after such a dry spell, Hate Mail has started to trickle in once more. Google did a good job interrupting the plentiful flow with its new feature that tailors people’s search results. I literally noticed the drop off the same month they went live with that. But all is not lost. I hope you enjoy.

Paul, Saul, & Big Balls

“Paul …killed Christians and hated and scorned Christ followers. Then, Jesus came to him… and Paul really learned the severity of his sin.”

Subject: website

Hey Bob, I was really offended by your site, and how it mocks the Man God that died for your very sin of posting such a horrible website. I hope you realize He loves you, too much to keep u the same and ongoing with your site. Paul, a major missionary of the Bible, killed Christians and hated and scorned Christ followers. Then, Jesus came to him and said, “why are you going after my children (Christians)? Repent and follow me.” And Paul prior-name Saul) did love and worship Jesus Christ and really learned the severity of his sin.

Why did you make your website? Why do you hate and mock God?

Erin Ruman

Dearest Erin,

First of all, thank you for your email. In these times there are far fewer defenders of God & Jesus on the internet than there were just a few years ago. So many people are caught up in their electronic distractions. Plus the voice of atheists have all but drowned out any remaining squeakings of religion on the World Wide Web. It’s nice to see there’s still people out there willing to stand for things like Jesus and God. That said, I think you are very very wrong. Regrettably so.

No one can die or be sacrificed for someone else’s wrongs. Eluding that this is even remotely possible in any way shape or form is the highest form of injustice and unaccountability. Claiming that an innocent can absorb the penalty for the guilty, and it is moral and good, is perversed. This alone is deserving of a mocking dressup game. But this only addresses your first sentence.

A perfect example of the criminality and outright grotesqueness of absolving the guilty of crimes through the trivial act of believing it’s already been accounted for by someone else, is Paul/Saul. Paul is said in the Bible to’ve been responsible for the death of hundreds, possibly thousands. He murdered people simply based on the god(s) they did or did not believe in. Not only were his catastrophic crimes against humanity forgiven, but he is a hero you think worth noting. A trumpeted figurehead to be exemplified. Imagine this in today’s world. Someone with the same genocidal credentials, perhaps even responsible for murdering your own non believing loved ones, given complete immunity and placed at the top podium in a mega-church. How does that strike you? Is this truly deserving of glory in your eyes?

My feeling is that to pretend crimes and wrong-doings are disposed of at the asking is deeply, deeply disturbing. What you see on my site isn’t a hatred of God. It’s a hatred of an idea. It’s the mockery of an absurd and chilling concept. I suppose it’s my smack in the face to all who believe this worldview is there for the taking as an immediate painkiller for guilt and responsibility. It skips some of the most important steps necessary for moral growth.

Might I suggest that you order one of my bumper stickers for your automobile as a symbol of your own repentance from such a flawed concept? l think it’d be an impressive message for you to advertise. Much like your hero Paul/Saul, but for our team!

Again, thank you for at least trying to defend yourself no matter how wrong everyone online says you are.


“…probably many people would be hesitant to accept that genocide leader got saved”

Hey Bob,

Sorry for being rude toned in the first email a while ago..

Everyone is accountable for their own sin. We are all headed for hell by our human nature. That’s why we are in desperate need of a Savior to save us. And then without the Holy Spirit to follow after a salvation/conversion then we can’t stop sinning either.

Even if you don’t believe in God or Jesus, if someone was killed is a horrific way, why have a website of them with dress up clothes retelling their death?

And, Jesus has risen, is alive and is in heaven on His throne! That’s the real, current victory.. It shows He was and is perfect, and can be celebrated for conquering sin and death.. He died but was resurrected. Not like on an operating table where a heart beat stops and then starts again.. It was a supernatural happening where He received the first new body.

God chose me, and I am thankful He changed me from a blind, God-hating, perverse girl to His daughter who He is making perfect out of grace. I’m undeserving of heaven and relationship with Him, but He has grace.

About the Saul/megachurch analogy, probably many people would be hesitant to accept that genocide leader got saved (like how people doubted Paul at first). It’s all about fruits and it was proven that Paul’s life was clearly changed. He was sorry, He was called by God.

I’ve heard of people that killed their baby in a tribe in Africa (because of a tradition about twin births) but God saved. The mother didn’t know she was sinning because she was trying to stay dedicated to her tribe customs. Missionaries came to the village and she got saved and was so sorry. Thus, she is free of that sin. Jesus came to free the captives. We are captive to sin without Him.

Just read the ESV Bible and check out Mars Hill Church online (with Mark Driscoll). I pray God saves you and begins a work in your heart and life to His glory and you can look back and laugh a little at all this.

There’s so much more stuff that could be said but its a loaded conversation. So, keep searching.

Look at your life and see what’s in your heart and know theres hope for a totally different and free way to live through Christ of grace, forgiving people and love. Dont look to the world to teach you. Look to heaven. Seeya

Erin Ruman

Darling Erin,

Do you know how happy it makes me to see someone illustrate my reasons to their own questions so eloquently? You ask why I’d have a dressup website of someone’s horrific death, then follow that with “Jesus has risen, is alive, and up in heaven on his throne!”

I dressup this horrific “sacrifice” because it was no sacrifice at all. Just as you described. There was no loss for Jesus (or his father) if he rose up to be by his dad’s side in paradise forever. Sacrifice, Erin, requires a loss of some sort. If no loss can be accounted for, there is no sacrifice. Thus, I am depicting a trivial event where no sacrifice took place. None that can be explained logically.

Hell, I’d even go so far as to suggest that Christians around the world would be wise to doubt if any payment at all has been made for their sins if no loss can be reasonably explained! I don’t mean to terrify you with the reality that you all might ultimately be held accountable for your own wrongdoings, but it seems a very real possibility if you actually examine the payment plan.

And Erin, I would be extra cautious about assuming your sins have been sufficiently paid for if you’d still consider following a repentant ex- genocidal leader. To me that seems an awfully risky chance to be taking. How does one assess if someone is truly sorry, especially if you’re dealing with a megalomaniac? I mean, if you accidentally make him your leader and you’re wrong about his repentance, you’d be partially responsible for the next Jonestown, Branch Dividian or Manson Family! It’s no coincidence that almost all the followers of those cults were raised in the beliefs such as yours. Doesn’t that tell you something?

Then imagine you die and God says, “Sacrifice? What sacrifice? Jesus came straight to paradise afterwards. Didn’t you do the math? Nothing’s been paid for. Okay, so let’s start with your list of sins and see what you’ve got to pay for YOURSELF!”

Seems to me an awful lot of assuming is going on here with hardly any emphasis on thought. I’m happy though to see you’re still searching for answers. Keep searching. I’m happy to answer your questions. Look in your heart and really think about whether or not a repentant megalomaniac should really be promoted a second time to a leadership position. Don’t look to what a megalomaniac says you should do. Develop the moral compass within yourself. That’s what I do.


“I’m demanded whoever u are to delete the site or else i take legal action on u… And i’m dead serious”

subject:  Erase it

I’m a muslim and i happened to view ur so called ‘dress up prophet muhammad‘ website… So, i’m demanded whoever u are to delete the site or else i take legal action on u… And i’m dead serious about it

King Hustler

Listen. I’ll be honest with ya. We could go back and forth on this for several emails, but in the end I’m probably going to just leave it as is so at the very least everyone else can have a laugh. But I don’t mind you and your friends hatin’ on me. It was a really dickish thing for me to put online, I’ll admit.

I hope that’s cool and we can just agree to disagree.

Thanks for the letter. It’s refreshing to see someone actually speak up for what’s right, and good, and holy. But then when I searched your email address and found your profile on Naughty-net I couldn’t help but take your request with an enormous grain of salt.

Thank you though.


“U will burn in hell”

Subject: Illuminati are not idle

good job. U will burn in hell, little man.

Przemek Melka

“People who claim to know things about the afterlife are usually always right.”

Quote from Normal Bob

May 21, 2012

The Trolling Atheist Hate Mail

What? Another page of hate mail so soon? How can this be? It is so because almost immediately after the last page of mail was posted (page 501) the shit hit the fan! One of my so called “hate mailers” there turned out to be a Troll! Now he get’s his in another “Giving atheists a bad name” issue of Hate Mail!

“You delusional fool.”

You shouldn’t criticize and joke about someone’s beliefs, show some respect. Let them believe in whatever they choose. God is no more ridiculous than thinking that the planet and life was made from clouds of gasses and dust.

The Earth is 6,000 years old and Adam & Eve really existed. You think Evolution is a fact when it’s just a theory, there’s no way you would know what happened neither of us lived back then. You stick to your theory and I’ll stick to mine. You delusional fool.

Diane Abbott

What if someone’s beliefs are hurtful to others? It seems to be discussing it, and even criticizing one another is exactly what we should be doing in regards to our beliefs.

I’m afraid I don’t understand where you’re coming from at all. Like, let’s say someone else believes women must cover themselves from head to toe with only a slit where their eyes show through, or be damned to hell forever. Criticizing that belief in a discussion seems perfectly fine, especially if their belief leads them to hurt women who refuse to do it.

I can’t imagine meeting someone whose beliefs hurt others and not interjecting my critique, if not just for the sake of the people they hurt.

Let me know if you agree, or if you still think there should be no criticizing of beliefs still. This is an important discussion to be having, and I think I’m right.


“Are you fucking drunk?”

Are you fucking drunk? You make no sense. Beliefs shouldn’t be criticised unless they hurt people, the Muslim women you describe want to wear those things, what’s it got to do with you? Christianity doesn’t hurt anyone these days.

Diane Abbott

Ahhhh, well that’s where you’re mistaken. I understand you might think it hurts no one since you’re so deeply entrenched you cannot see how it effects others. But I assure you Christianity does in fact hurt those who are both in and out of the belief.

For instance, the belief that anyone outside of Christianity is lost, a slave to Satan, sick or damned to hell has a great impact on those around you and the way in which you treat them. I know many instances where Christians have hurt others based on these false assumptions. It’s a very bad thing for your religion to lay these titles on others.

Also, to believe that the end of the world is a good thing because that’s when your Jesus will return, that most certainly has the potential to hurt others. Imagine how non believers see your anticipation of the end of the world. When we see you looking forward to Jesus’ return we see a group no different than a death cult ready to welcome in an apocalypse. This is indeed a hurtful wish Christians have for all mankind. The hurt it could inflict is unimaginable.

And what about the Christian feelings towards women, gays, atheists, and a great many other groups you look down upon? Do you think people aren’t hurt by that?

I’d argue that Christians, with their priority to God, Jesus & the Bible over everything else puts everyone at great risk! In my opinion people should come first, not gods or books. Let me ask you this. If your god asked you to commit harm to someone else, would you do it?

Many also argue that believing things on faith as opposed to evidence hurts others. Children have died having parents who put faith their god over taking their child to the emergency room.

Not all Muslim women want to do what they’re commanded to do by men. They face a death sentence if they complain, or act out. Do you think that all the women approve of their daughters being stoned to death for having sex before marriage? Please Diane. Are you drunk?

And what’s my penalty for not believing? Eternal punishment in the pits of hell? Do you think that hurts anyone?

If you think your religion doesn’t hurt anyone then you’re no different than an ostrich with your head in the sand, and that’s a stupid looking thing.


“Would you walk into a church and tell my grandfather that he should not go to church?

…if it comforts him then fuck you.”

Your average Christian or Muslim does not believe that the end of the world is a good thing. Stop watching fox news. If it comforts them then as long as they’re not hurting anyone it’s fine. Would you walk into a church and tell my grandfather that he should not go to church? He only started going once his son died (my father). Do if it comforts him then fuck you.

Diane Abbott

I cannot tell you how happy I am to hear about your positive Christian perspective. I know that being a Christian who proclaims Jesus’s Return as NOT a good thing is a brave, unique stance. Where most others raise up their arms to welcome the Second Coming, here you stand against it. I’m proud of you. You are a true humanitarian. Please Diane, I cannot stress enough how important it is that you spread this anti-Return sentiment to your peers. The rest of us depend on you for our survival. God bless your individuality.

There can be no arguing in the face of your parading of dead relatives. I must simply concede. Comfort is indeed the most important factor in all life. Above health, or sanity. Above truth itself! Comfort should never be withheld no matter the cost. Reality be damned! For it is through coddling, baby talk, and shameless spoon-fed comforting that we grow and mature to become healthy, functional adults.

You’ve countered my list of harms point by point. Simply put: “Grandpa depends on it. End of discussion.”

With that, obviously God is real. Thank you for clearing that up. I stand corrected.


This correspondence continued on the following page…


“What kind of a sick man are you?”

This site of Jesus dress up is vulgar and it needs too get deleted. What kind of a sick man are you? Jesus died for your sins. So you can have eternal life. What is wrong with you?



Had you thought maybe your guy Jesus is on his way out? I Mean, he was a knight in shining armor for the generations who could easily box themselves into self-gratifying communities with no new ideas, and complete isolation from a world of different beliefs. But now you’ve got the internet to contend with. Your kid isn’t limited to only getting answers from mom, dad, the sunday schoolteacher or the mailman. Now they go to Google, type in “other beliefs besides Christianity” or “what religion would I be if I grew up in Tibet?” and the walls come crumbling down.

If you’re finding yourself staring into the mirror wondering what the hell’s going on, this is what it looks like when religions start turning into myths. The frustration you feel has been felt over and over again by millions before you who’ve lost their gods by thinking too much. Entire societies switching from one belief to the next. From Ra to Zeus. Zeus to Jesus. Jesus to reality.

The neighborhood’s changing Christina. It’s time you caught up to the rest and let your frontal lobe fully blossom. Your Jesus will soon be standing between Horus & Kali in the Encyclopedia of Mythology, and you’ll be that woman at the park in a sandwich board yelling at people for ignoring you too much.


“If He isn’t that real why would you do that on Your website for all too see hmmm? Answer the question!”

sir you got this all wrong. Our Lord And Savior Will always be Lord. And He is real. I’m not that type of a woman that would stand there and yell at everyone for ignoring me. Actually I’d be helping out people that need help. Maybe you shouldnt judge me.  You are not my judge.  your just a man that God created. He loves You ovbiously. And I will continually pray for Your spirit. And yes this neighborhood is changing. Only by evil. This world is corrupt and very evil. And I hope one day You come too reliaze .

And sir with kind thoughts my son is only a year and a half how could he possibly use Google?  Jesus is the Answer.  As for me and my house We shall serve the Lord. And I got mad because people always represent Him in a form that’s messed up and vulgar. And He already is in the Media. But Bob with the truth He is Real. You are far from Him.

And really??? If He isn’t that real why would you do that on Your website for all too see hmmm? Answer the question! You bored? Look-in for something better too do with your life? Jesus loves you and He will forgive you! All you have too do is ask. you will be brought too Him No matter what He has too go through too get you in the fold. He died for your sins and washes your sins away what more do you want? He was mocked spit upon betrayed for your sake. So your fate don’t have too be the other place. Which is Hell and you better believe it. 😉 I really hope you didn’t get offended by this letter. I just care enough too share it. I really hope that you turn your life around and get your life together with him fast. The world is gonna be ending soon whether you know it or not.

Blessings too You.


and if you have questions about Salvation or anything else for that matter just ask me. Thank you kindly for your time.

Believe me, Christina, my choice of Jesus over all others was based on celebrity. The level of Jesus’s fame is so great I hoped to be able to quit my day job and make a living off the magnet version of Jesus Dressup. It’s got nothing to do with how real I pretend he’s not or how threatened I am by his true existence. It had everything to do with self-employment and staying in the black.

For instance, I tried doing one of the Prophet Mohammed and no one really responded to it. I got a couple vague emails expressing some interest, but there was no customer base in wait I could depend upon. Jesus however is sure gold! And I bet right. Twelve years later and the magnets are still hot on the shelves. People walk into the stores and go nuts for them! I literally just got a phone call while writing this from a store who just found me on the web wanting to know how to order wholesale. Thank you, Jesus.

Now I know what you’re saying. You’re thinking, If it’s just about how famous he is then why not instead do Michael Jackson, or Spongebob, or a Rollen Stewart dressup?” Because, Christina, those celebs sue. Just like I can’t take a whole bunch of Madonna pictures off the internet and make a “2012 Madonna Calendar” and sell it at Barnes & Noble, the same goes for fridge magnets. There’d be lawyers on me so fast for trademark violations I’d be sunk. But Jesus, he’s fair game. You see, since he’s not real he has no lawyers who can sue me. It’s just that simple.

Anyhow, I hope this eases your concern about why I’m doing what I do. I’m guessing you’re pretty relieved it’s for the right reasons (food on the table) and as far away as possible from the wrong reasons (denial of Jesus’s love).

Thank you for your letter.








Yeah, but I’ve yet to meet one Christian who doesn’t change their whole tune the second they hear about someone better offering a happier heaven & sadder hell. I get these emails all the time, and the mere mention of a god who can bench press a little bit more makes you take back everything and reword it for someone else.

Your god strikes people blind for not believing? How about this? I know a deity who’ll not only make you go blind but he’ll replace your eyes with burning hot meatballs fresh from a hot plate of spaghetti! I’ve got your attention now, huh? Not only that but this new god will write you a cashier’s check for $100,000 right now, including eternal paradise in the grave if you change your mind right now! Plus if you refuse you get the meatball-eyes thing.

Now let me guess. You’re want his name, don’t you? Haha… so predictable.

See, how can I take you seriously when you’re ready to change sides that easily? It’s pathetic if you ask me. It’s like you’re giving a handjob to one guy while your other hand is busy paging through god-resumes.

Miles, I’ll tell you what. I’ll give you the name of the better god for twenty bucks. Offer’s good ’til Friday, but after that it jumps to $50! What’ve you got to lose? You’re gonna get $100,000 right afterwards. You’d be an idiot to pass it up, Miles.

Don’t be embarrassed. I’ve had dozens of other people before you racing to an ATM for precisely the same reason. You’re no different.

I look forward to your reply.
