The Days B4 Xmas!

We’re finally in December, and there’s two BIG things happening this month for which I’m extremely excited. 

Anthony Bourdain @ Drip Drop

1. On the 15th, ten days before Christmas, at the coffeeshop I visit most, Drip Drop Drink is hosting the “Anything But Normal” Normal Bob Art Show!
From 5pm to whenever I’ll be there to make excuses for everything I’ve hung. There’ll be drink, snacks, lots of my art, and probably a very delightful snowfall view out their front window to make it a truly festive event. I’d love to see you there.

2. Then on the 23rd, two days before Christmas, my shipment of BDSM JDUs is scheduled to arrive at my front door! I’m soooooo looking forward to 2022, because by summer I’ll have 3 totally new Jesus Dressups!

There’s your update! Attend the show, and order magnets (if you’re willing to wait a couple weeks for the BDSMs).


Thanks & Giving

Anthony Bourdain pen & ink

Here we are near the ending of another year, and I’m happy to say that the wheels are in motion once again. I have magnets being produced, new art on display, and even a new pamphlet I’ve been leaving on toilet tanks around town. I also have an art show you’re all invited to attend if you’re nearby.

I cannot lie. All I can draw lately are men. Muscle men mostly, but I’ve also recently completed this Anthony Bourdain pen & ink with which I’m quite pleased. It’s already hanging in two spots (three if you count my house), and the original’s already claimed. It’s the first time I really dove into the crosshatching, and I’m delighted with the results. It’s opened up a new door to conveying an expression I’d not yet grasped with other styles I’m used to. You can see for yourself.


However that does not mean I’m still not fully expressing myself in other ways drawing men. Truth is there’s always been an awfully suspicious lack of male figure models popping up in my art, and that’s gotta change.  I mean, what’s more inspiring than the unbelievably beautiful muscular physique of the humongous Timbo? Atm, for me, nothing. So let me draw more!

As I’d mentioned before, there’s new JDUs on the way!
I was just about to run out of BDSM JDUs, so those are the first ones I expect (hopefully middle of next month)! Once those arrive there’s two more a-comin’ whose identities will remain untold until they’re in hand. Obviously I’ll keep everyone posted.

I’ve gotten several requests to make the GOD BLAMES US pamphlet available for you. It’s the pamphlet I’ve been leavin’ around these parts of town for awhile now. So I’ve added a pdf download to the others, and it can be found here.

Finally, yes you heard me right. I’m going to be having a show at the Drip Drop Drink in downtown Muskegon December 15th, 5pm – ? w/framed art prints on display & sale. Or just come for the drinks.
And I think that’s it. You’re up to date. Now let me get back to my man-drawings.

After Fall, I will Rise Again!

It’s starting to happen. The clouds are parting and stores are ordering again. And that’s gotten the gears turning in me to produce new Jesus magnets for 2022. 

Charly 2021

You see, the manufacturer in Hong Kong who’s been making my magnets for the last 20 years simply stopped responding to emails. They just disappeared. Granted we haven’t spoken since 2018, and I know a lot of companies have vanished since this whole pandemic fiasco began. But this was serious. It took me years to find these guys. And ftr, there’s still ZERO die-cut magnet manufacturers in the U.S. able to take on Jesus Dressup, and it’s for the exact same reason they wouldn’t 20 years ago – Subject matter. No joke, It’s even gone so far as to have one sales guy agree to the job, accept my deposit, then a week later return it exclaiming, “The owner saw the artwork and said- No way. Please don’t contact us again.”

Lucky for me though, ever since it blew up back in ’04 I’ve been on the receiving end of spam emails from other manufactures wanting to steal my business away. 100% of them from China. So in a moment of clarity a couple months ago I remembered all those emails, searched gmail trash and responded to every single one. Some of which were literally over a decade old. And wouldn’t you know, one responded. So I checked them out through my broker, exchanged samples and art, and now we’re back in business! I’ll have 3 new JDU’s by 2022. I’m very excited.

I’m additionally pleased to say I’ve been drawing a lot. Every single day. Drawing, and hanging my art up around town. Even selling something every once in awhile too. It’s the only thing that’s kept me sane through the last three long, lonely years w/zero social life. Whitehall Michigan is no playground for a middle-aged atheist/artist with a Google search result like mine. Thus all this time not developing relationships with other humans is spent on these lone art classes.

That said, I’m planning my first escape from this town to Chicago in October. I need to get away, visit my brothers’ families, friends, and whoever else I can get to. The yearn is strong. I can’t explain how much so, but I’m thinking most everyone can relate to this by now so I gotta stop whining. I get it. I’ll shut up.

dreadlocked white man

Last but not least, I’ve gotten a handful of updates for a few NYC familiars from the park. Shaggy sent me the photos below of Roman (video), Jeremy & Kevin Carpet, who seem to all be doing fine. And depending on how far your NormalBobSmith memory goes back, this morning I got an email from Noah (video), my cohost for the original version of NoBS Radio I was doing back in 2005 & 06? He’s got a GoFundMe for a new van. I thought those of you who remember would be happy to know he’s okay, but needs a dollar. Also, his Facebook.

August Creativity

People’ve been demanding I draw celebs that’re more famous. For some reason I have a difficult time focusing on the big stars. In most cases they’ve been drawn 1,000 times already. And they’ve already been substantially over exposed, by definition. Someone however suggested that like the Amy Winehouse piece, I continue with the Gone Too Soon theme. That was a good idea. So as I was searching for ideas I was struck by how few drawings there are of Kurt which actually LOOK like him. Way too many seem to’ve been drawn by a love-struck pre-teen fan, to the point where he looks like the guy from Nickleback! And even more who took the easy route with his shades & sweaters. Anyhow, I’ve done my best to fix that.

Sitting in AC to escape the heat & humidity of Michigan has made August a creatively productive month for me. To begin with, if you haven’t read my most recent stories of my teenage Hollywood Runaway Punkrock Adventure, you simply must. It’s a 3 parter that’ll give insight on how this grownup problem-child started down this path. Depending on how much you REALLY want to know about my motivations, my FBB Girlfriend story, and THAT whole longing obsession, well I wrote about those too. I’m really enjoying this storytelling, and look forward to writing more from my past, and my id. I’ve realized again how revealing myself only widens the scope of art I want to make.

Finally, I’m still in the magnetic Jesus Dressup business! I lost a lot of stores in the pandemic. Many just aren’t even answering their phones anymore. But I have however been getting them onto your refrigerators through my store! I was reminded of how long this has been going on when Sophia, who’s been playing with my Jesus Dressup so long, now her kids play it! Here they are “dressing up the weird guy with holes in his hands.” And that’s a direct quote!
That is one OLD set of the Xmas & the Original. And who else even has a Lady Gaga JDU any more??
Warms my heart, as I hope it does yours as well.

Artist, Atheist, Anthropologist