Category Archives: News

Hour interview with Investigates podcast

Amazing Strangers Wendell iconToday I did an extremely frank interview with Christian Sears on his “Investigates” podcast. We talk about the past, future and behind the scenes of Amazing Strangers. Here’s that interview, a link to the Homeless Exposer blog, and below it are the videos in which we chatted about.

Videos discussed…

The Peeper Project includes the Inside Edition & CNN segments, plus behind the scenes of the peepers caught. And this is the link to all the Methods of a Peeper series.

The Joey Boots video about True Story ASA and the blog I wrote about Adam Saleh who got thrown off the Delta flight last year.


Updates for Fall 2017

Jesus Dressup crownhanger logoIt’s that time again when I haven’t updated long enough to finally get an email asking if I’m still doing the site and/or selling Jesus Dressup magnets. The answer’s yes. Plus I’m also selling Trumps & Mohammeds as well. Can you think of anywhere else that combo of themes is available??

In total I have 8 different sets of magnetic dressups available all to be shipped in time for the holidays. Be warned- I’m opening my final box of Lady Gaga Jesus Dressups (40 sets per box). So get yours now, because those won’t be printed ever again.

Amazing Strangers Wendell icon

At the moment I believe I’ve posted the last Amazing Strangers video for a while. You can see all of  the latest ones there in the right sidebar. There comes a time when I just can’t seem to find anything worthwhile enough to edit. But that could change at any point because I am indeed working through all those folders preparing a paperback book which’ll be stories & art, but mostly photos of Union Square Amazing Strangers.
My local bookstore/coffee shop Book Nook has offered to print it up for me through their publishing company, West Vine Press here in Whitehall. Then later this winter I’m planning to host video presentations here at the shop. We’ll see how that goes. I’ll be sure to make the book available for purchase here on the site.

I’ve yet to get any offers on a place to stay in NYC to encourage more frequent visits. But I do have a friend willing to rent me a room for a month in May. If it’s still available to me by then I’ll be taking her up on the offer. That’s when you can expect brand new, current footage added to

In other interesting Amazing Strangers news, my friend Nick (New York Nico) back in 2014 purchased one of Roman’s signs for a dollar, and has since had it framed! It’s now hanging in his hallway, and I thought you all might like to let your envious eyes lay upon this lovely piece of art.

Trump Dressup

The shipment of Trump magnets arrived today and they look amazing!
The shipment of Trump magnets arrived today and they look amazing!

Good Lord, I can’t believe they’ve finally arrived. I’m sure it appears as if I’ve stopped doing anything here at, but rest assured the only reason for the lag is to rest up before my latest project hits the market. And that’s today.
I give to you Trump Magnetic Dressup.

Do you have any idea what it’s like to have to wait for three months while your time-sensitive idea is being produced on the other side of the world? Watching the news not knowing if they’ll be rendered completely invalid or a huge marketing success by the time they get here? Well, it seems that day of reckoning  is finally here, and it looks like everything’s worked out okay.

Magnetic Trump Dressup ($15)
Magnetic Trump Dressup ($15)


So what’s sure to be the most mainstream project I’ve ever embarked upon, while at the same time probably losing me the maximum number of friends & fans, I have to tell you both the site and the magnetic version look amazing. image 2017 image 2017

The online version of the game goes above & beyond the playability of any dressup I’ve produced before thanks to the partner I’m working on this with. I’m so pleased to say it can be played on your computer in all browsers,  tablets, smartphones, etc. so feel free to share it with your friends on social media. There’s also the additional Trump-speak feature which allows you to include Trump’s latest Tweet or anything you want him to say in with your dressup creation. Trump-Speak! Trump-Speak!

If you’re wondering why I have them for sale in both my regular Jesus Dressup store while also available at a Shopify connected to, it’s because, like I said, I’m not pursuing this venture alone. I have a business partner to help with marketing, programming, finances and other things to make this a complete venture with maximum profitability. The only difference in these two stores is the option to include Jesus Dressup  magnets in with your Magnetic Trump Dressup order from my personal store. The cost to you and the amount that goes in my pocket from a purchase is the same.

I truly have no idea what to expect after this moment so I just suggest you buy your set soon because their days of availability are probably numbered. If you are a store who would like to have Magnetic Trump Dressup on your shelves, contact me and I’ll be happy to send you wholesale prices & availability.

And I suppose now’s as good a time as any to say thank you to my folks for letting me take residence in their home while I profit off mocking both their saviour and their president.
Thanks mom and dad!

Get me back

Amazing Strangers Wendell iconYes, I’ve returned to NYC for one week, and much to my surprize I discovered I can pick up right where I left off without hardly a stutter. And I had a blast! In fact, I yearn to come back again. But I need help. One basic help, actually.
1. Accommodations.

If I had offered to me a place to stay for a week that wasn’t just a sofa in a living room, but instead an actual room with a bed, it could be done. I could return periodically throughout the year to document this Square. And it’s still going on there from what I witnessed. The regulars still haunt those steps, and I’ve got contacts for so many others who are happy to show and update me on their lives. I have so much footage and had a lot of fun my week there. But damn if my achin’ back and tired eyes were ready to leave after a week of sleeping on a futon in a living room.

Now, listen to this. If there were also a stove to make eggs & toast, and a coffee maker to brew my Bustelo each morning before I set out, I could do two weeks. Two full weeks of content for YouTube’s Amazing Strangers a few times a year. How great would that be? I’m more efficient than I ever was before. The amount of footage I acquired in one day visiting is more than I ever got any day prior to moving away. I have more of an urge to get interviews, document events, and obtain valuable footage than ever before.

So that’s what I’m hoping. Someone out there who sees the value in what I’m doing with access to a living quarters in NYC generous enough to offer a room with a bed. I do dishes. I clean up after myself. I buy my own supplies. I buy my own plane tickets and taxi cabs.

Greetings from Union Square
Greetings from Union Square

I know it can sound like a lot I’m asking. I lived in NYC for 13 years and never once did I let someone stay rent free for a week or two in their own room. I have friends offering me a sofa for days at a time, but my body and mind isn’t cut out for that much roughing it any more. It used to be, but no longer. Otherwise I see myself maybe coming once a year, in spring, for a week. That’s the full extent I can manage on a sofa without a door to close.

I get how to many this might seem petty, or snobbish. Like I won’t come unless I get a red carpet. Fact is, when you’re in NYC spending most your time in the busiest, craziest parts of town, you need that sanctuary at the end of the day. A solid rest with peace & quiet to get back into it the very next day at 100%. Having to go to sleep when the last person in the house leaves the living room, and waking when the first roommate’s alarm goes off and they’re walking past your bed to make cereal, you don’t get that needed rest. Especially needed when you’re almost 50 years old.

My hope is after you see the amount of great content I’ve gotten after just one week it’ll prove I’m worth it to someone out there with offerings. I’m ready to come back and document the park & people we’ve grown attached to over the years. There’s a limited window of time for this unique project to even continue. I realize that too. So let me know if you can be of assistance. I’m ready.