More troublesome 6 and 8 year olds snitch to their folks about me and my naughty site! Page 438 of hate mail, The files of Mr. Jim Douglas, gives me a good old fashioned scolding!
10 thoughts on “The Mr. Jim Douglas files / A concerned parent.”
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Six and eight years old?? What father in his right mind allows children that young to go online unsupervised? He should be ashamed of himself! If this moron wants his kids to be safe from all possible negative influences, then the last thing he should be doing is letting them surf the ‘Net by themselves. And really, if their faith is so weak that they’ll be traumatized by the sight of a Jesus Dress-Up Game, then what kind of faith do they have to begin with?
Come to think of it, kids that young don’t really have any faith at all–they just believe whatever mommy and daddy tell them, so what is Mr. Douglas worried about, anyway? These kids have no religious faith that can be destroyed. They are too young to know what it is. Salvation, sin, faith, heaven, hell, etc. are abstract concepts that they have not yet developed the capacity to understand. So the idea that their Christianity is somehow being compromised is ludicrous. If anything, they probably said, “Yay! A Jesus game!” while the ADULTS are the only ones who were insulted. Aren’t Christians supposed to “become as little children,” as Jesus said? If so, then they should quit being offended by every little thing. Just play the goddamned game and quit whining, bitches!!
He allows them to go online to search for Jesus because OF COURSE it would all be okay for kids. He also probably raised them with images of a horrible genocide slaughter of thousands of innocent children and animals in their nurseries. Add a rainbow and a horror story becomes a children’s tale. And aren’t they all, really? mean, witches eating German boys and cooking them in pots? Really.
“Let the one without sin, cast the first stone.”
With christianity, no one can accuse anyone with any crime or wrong doing!
Because the buybull was written by criminals for the express reason to forgive them for whatever crime they happen to do against another human being.
Jesus forgives for all crimes and sins, except he doesn’t forgive for non-belief in him, no matter how good a person you try to be, he prefers to forgive murderers, rapists, liars, thieves, etc.
I’m sorry you guys have bitterness. I hope God helps you out soon.
It’s got to be those lemon tarts, they’re so bitter, but oh so tasty.
It must feel so good to be so smug and on the same side as your imaginary god friend. Just knowing that you’re soooo right in your childhood indoctrinated beliefs, it’s makes you smell like camel piss and goat cheese. How about stick a mirror under your ass so you can imagine how it must feel to kiss your own little god loving sweet ass.
Ya self-righteous twit!
I find mr. Douglas’ claims of never pushing his beliefs on others to be spurious at best. One can only imagine that his children would not know the term “Jesus” to plug into a search engine had he not exposed them to the notion. And his children, who, due to age are unlikely to have well-developed critical thinking skills, also are in a position where assuming that their parents would not lie to them is crucial. Knowing the level of trust children lay upon their parents, pushing his faith on them is far, far more insidious than trying to convince some adult strangers.
As always, I’m just sayin’…
I think this whole website is pointless, if you dont believe in Jesus thats fine.. why slaighter the Christian faith on a website? It makes perfect sense that God died on the cross to take our punishment.. although, you wouldnt understand it because you dont believe in him. The most genuine love there is, is the love that Jesus displayed on the cross when he was crucified for you and i. God said if you seek him you will find him. If you lose something and you dont look for it then how will you ever find it. Gods love lives in every christians heart, including mine. That being said, a person without him can never feel his love .
sincerely, Nikyra.
why slaighter the Christian faith on a website? It makes perfect sense that God died on the cross to take our punishment.
Why slaughter a human being on a pole???
Before that, they were slaughtering lambs and goats by cutting their throats and blood letting them to atone for their sins and throwing virgin children into volcano’s, makes perfect sense for us living in 2010, would you not agree??
The most genuine love there is, is the love that Jesus displayed on the cross when he was crucified for you and i.
WHAT HAPPENED TO, “THOU SHALT NOT KILL.” ???? Who supposedly said, “Thou Shalt Not Kill.” Killing your son shows genuine love???
God said if you seek him you will find him.
Why should he have to seek a god??? We’re limited to travel only as far as to the moon so far, we have no way to seek the entire universe to look for an invisible god that is hiding from us.
I John 4:12, “No man hath seen god at any time.”
Yet you want people to seek and hunt for your invisible god???
“If you lose something and you dont look for it then how will you ever find it. (How can you lose something if you’ve never had it in the first place???)
Gods love lives in every christians heart, including mine.
(Also saying Allah and Vishnu and Buddha lives in billions of other people hearts is just as ridiculous.)
That being said, a person without him can never feel his love .
(Without Allah, or Vishnu, Buddha, or the Tooth Fairy, you can never feel their love, either!)
The Bible is a book of fiction consisting of fables and myths and was written with the intent of not to be taken seriously or literally.
You along with millions of Americans, have mistakenly and wrongfully taken the Bible seriously and literally, that was not it’s intent, it was written to entertain people of that time period, purely fiction entertainment purposes only.
1. No, he does not get to say that he’s being a responsible parent when he just wants his children to see only good things about Jesus when they go out on the Internet. Even if he was watching his kids (and I find that seriously doubtful), that’s equitable to the Scientology net nanny they have their parishioners install on their computers so they can block out access to sites like Operation Clambake and anything with the Scientology tech on it. He’s censoring them from the truth about Christianity so they may grow up brainwashed and ready to brainwash their kids. It’s harder to wake up from the bullshit as an adult than as a Christian, especially if you are in a group of people that share the same delusion.
2. No, he is not a good father. Christopher Hitchens lauded Jerry Falwell for making a living on lying to children and parents who indoctrinate their children in this crap are committing an act of child abuse. They are indoctrinating their children into an insidious cult that has serious long term effects.