“…my 5 year old daughter stumbles upon here trying to find a good color page for church, that’s when it becomes ridiculous!” |
Subject: wtf???
Do you not have ANY morals whatsoever? What kind of person would do that? I just don’t get it. I understand that you are free to express yourself but when my 5 year old daughter stumbles upon here trying to find a good color page for church, that’s when it becomes ridiculous. Cant you put some kind of blocker so that only people who KNOW what is about to appear will see. I mean, make it known and make it for adults only. Sorry to bother you and God bless!!!
Brittany Prescott |
Listen, you cannot blame only me for the displaying a dead human nailed to a cross. People all over the world display that image publicly, and you zero in on me? Heck, I’ve even seen pictures of this person’s execution in the homes of people with families! And churches! And you’re yelling at me because your 5 year old saw it on my site?
I think you need to look in the mirror and figure out why I’m the one you pinpoint.
Yes, I’m displaying a graphic image of a corpse strung up to suffer and rot in the burning sun, but everyone else is doing it too!!
Bob |
“My daughter used my computer one day and she might have emailed you and reading the previous email I see that she did. ” |
Hello. I apologize right up front. I have NO idea what you are talking about. I have never emailed you before in my life. My daughter used my computer one day and she might have emailed you and reading the previous email I see that she did. Perhaps you will let me fuss at my daughter for her tone towards you, and trust me I will, but I don’t know what picture you are talking about, sorry. And while you are having me look into the mirror, may I suggest you do the same. Just because “everyone else” is doing it, does that make it the right thing? I wish you only good things in whatever you do.
Jodi Prescott
My apologies. I was not aware that someone other than you emailed me the previous message, so my scolding was not meant for you, but your daughter.
I have a website that prominently features an image of Jesus Christ crucified to a cross (I’m sure you know the image I’m speaking of) displayed with an invitation to invite him into your modern life by viewing him as a more contemporary role model, and not the “Bible Times” character which I believe is more difficult for the youth to relate to.
Your daughter emailed me complaining it was inhumane for me to display such a graphic image that might possibly disturb people, or that showing a dead person on a cross was too violent and should be seen by “adults only.” I understand where your daughter’s coming from, but she needs to understand his crucifixion affects us all (not just us adults) and it is not an event that should be hidden, ignored or shielded from the eyes of children.
Have you not told your daughter of Jesus’ death? Is she not aware of why his assassination saved the human race, including you, me, and her? I have a question for you, Jodi. If everyone else weren’t praising Jesus, if there was no other person on the planet who’d praised His name so there was no one to share the Good News with you, would it be possible for you to be the only one doing it?
It’s because everyone else is “doing it” you’ve the luxury to’ve heard his great story and know the name of the Saviour of our World.
Thank you. I wish nothing but happiness and everlasting true love for you and your family, your daughter excluded.
Bob |
“there are pictures of the Crucifixion of Christ that I feel are too graphic for young children. With all of the “cutting”, self-loathing, and suicides among America’s youth, perhaps a crucified Jesus is not the particular Jesus that they should identify with.” |
Thank you for your explanation and your apology. However, if you were the Christian person you are trying to proclaim to be, you would know that it is people like my daughter who are the exact people you SHOULD love and send best wishes to!
While I have not visited your website, I spoke with my daughter and her opposition is to the “dressing up” of Jesus that can be done on your website. And I must tell you that there are pictures of the Crucifixion of Christ that I feel are too graphic for young children. With all of the “cutting”, self-loathing, and suicides among America’s youth, perhaps a crucified Jesus is not the particular Jesus that they should identify with. Perhaps a more contemporary Jesus would be kind, loving, or have outstretched arms. Maybe they should identify with the Miracle Worker, not the sacrifice! And while I’m on the subject, Jesus was NOT assassinated. He gave Himself willingly. He could absolutely have denied the world His life and His lifeblood. He died of His own will and His own choice! I have thoroughly explained to all of my children about the birth, love, life, sacrifice and death of Jesus and all that is included with them. I believe that the love of God is everywhere and can be seen throughout all of the glories He has created. And if you will read your history, you will find that it was only a minor group of people, who in their day were called crazy and inconveniences, that spread the Good News. I don’t need “the crowd” to tell me how to praise God, or when, or whatever.
I hope that maybe you will educate yourself a bit more before you try to instruct anyone else. God will hold you accountable for all of your thoughts and deeds, and for the people, adults or youth, that you lead to think other than in the ways of Christ. God bless you. I sincerely hope that you find the forgiveness that Christ showed you, and the understanding and patience for me, my daughter, or anyone else who happens to disagree with you or your thoughts.
Jodi Prescott
How dare you suggest there’s a “Jesus” kids shouldn’t relate to! Perhaps there’s a valuable lesson Jesus spoke about that we should hide from children because it’s sad, or difficult, or not as fun as straying from his lessons. Perhaps there’s a story of Jesus that’s maybe a little too unconventional, or graphic, or doesn’t fit in with the mainstream ideas that we see on television and we should shield our children’s eyes from its view. It’d be a shame to inconvenience the kids for the sake of their eternal afterlife. The beauty of Jesus’ death was that it WASN’T a suicide, or a lamb blindly wondering into the slaughterhouse! Instead God and Jesus tricked the Romans and Jews into assassinating him thus making the shedding of his blood a valid payment on the sins of man (the blood of suicidals isn’t pure), thus nullifying the once valid goat’s blood installments on sin we’d made before the first Christmas!!
Ugh. I can’t keep a straight face any more. I thought maybe I could construct a cohesive argument for the miracle-working Mr. Wizard sent from the sky to pay our debt to the Universal Blood Bank debt we’ve accumulated, but the “krazy” just goes so over the top I can’t see how even you can keep from smirking.
Yes Jodi, perhaps the open armed, huggable Jesus will sooth the minds of suicidal teens. And bigger promises of paradise in the sky, perfect love for anyone who asks, and complete immunity from our bad deeds if they make themselves believe too. These are all wonderful, proactive ideas you’ve come up with to help the kids. That, as opposed to explaining to them this one life is all we’re sure of, love is earned and not falling limitless from the sky, and scape-goats are a bad idea. Had you thought that perhaps your method of lesson teaching is setting up your kids to believe anything that’s told to them in their future as long as it’s assured to them to be the words of a god? Or they are more susceptible to having their minds tampered with if illogical thought and a belief in extraordinary claims without extraordinary proof is encouraged? Or how about the most basic idea that humans are flawed so it’s essential to question any truth we think we might know? The minute you think you’re absolutely sure of something, that’s when it most needs to be questioned, tested, examined, researched & heavily doubted, especially when gargantuan threats are promised for doing so.
C’mon Jodi! You just wrote to me that perhaps it’s better for the children to identify with the miracle working Jesus, his arms of love and kindness outstretched. Is this the sort of problem-solving grownup you aspired to become? Isn’t the fact that your beliefs contain all the red flags which preclude a standard lie enough of a warning?
I’m stunned at the sorts of adults people are so willing to become in this day and age. But thank you for the Solved-all-the-secrets-of-the-whole-universe-without-proof lecture. That’s an excellent example to be setting for the children.
Bob |
“[My children] carry their Bibles to school, and pray before lunch, and read them in their spare time, not because they are ordered to do so, but because they choose to. ” |
Not anywhere, not in a single message I’ve spoken, written, or typed, have I ever said that there is ANY Jesus that ANYBODY should not relate to, so your half-hidden insult is quite inaccurate! What you wrote to me was that you had a website with “an invitation to invite him into your modern life by viewing him as a more contemporary role model, and not the “Bible Times” character which I believe is more difficult for the youth to relate to.” If your concern is reaching the youth of America, then do it with actual facts. The fact is, that being able to view Jesus in white underwear and being able to dress Him up like a bunny, or the devil, or any one of your ridiculous costumes is not sharing Him with the youth of America, it is encouraging them to be included with the Romans and their ridiculing of Jesus. Are you a Christian? Do you know the truth that you scoff about? What “religion” is your truth based in?
I, sir, am a Christian. I have read many versions of the Bible. I have studied it extensively. Further, I was raised by a Pentecostal minister and my husband is one as well. I only tell you this because I feel like it is important for you to understand that my opinion, while it may not be popular with you, is based on the teachings of the Bible. As far as your last email, let me assure you now that my children watch very little television, and therefore aren’t swayed by whatever beliefs you seem to know so well from that particular media source. They also carry their Bibles to school, and pray before lunch, and read them in their spare time, not because they are ordered to do so, but because they choose to. In fact, my youngest daughter is the Vice President of the Christians on Campus club. And, yes, they go to public school. They are around the youth of America, part of it, and still hold firm in their belief that Jesus is the Savior of the World.
Let me assure you, also, the there is NEVER a time when God or Jesus “tricked the Romans and Jews into assassinating him thus making the shedding of his blood a valid payment on the sins of man (the blood of suicidal isn’t pure), thus nullifying the once valid goat’s blood installments on sin we’d made before the first Christmas!!” What Jesus did for us that was the miracle of the cross was to take all the sin of all the world (past, present, and future) upon Himself. He took the punishment for all mankind’s sins and was made the ultimate sacrifice for those sins. The fact is that at any moment, at a single word from His lips, Jesus could have come off the cross and all of mankind would suffer the punishment for their sins.
But, thank God, there is hope! You are right that there is no “miracle-working Mr. Wizard sent from the sky to pay our debt to the Universal Blood Bank debt we’ve accumulated”. There is hope in the divine forgiveness from God! The Bible says that if you admit that you are a sinner, believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and confess your sins, that God will forgive you from all of your sins! Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father except through Me.” Not only does He forgive you, but He even casts those sins out of His memory. And thank God that He does! The Bible says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” I sin, but because I have been forgiven, I need only pray, confess those sins to the God of my understanding, and He will forgive me! Have you ever done that? Have you ever prayed for forgiveness of your sins?
Sir, as a Christian, I don’t believe that this is the only life I’m going to have, and I did not “come up with” any ideas about “promises of paradise in the sky, perfect love for anyone who asks, and complete immunity from our bad deeds if they make themselves believe too.” The fact is, that there is a Paradise for those who are forgiven by God! It has streets paved with gold and a crystal sea, according to the Bible. Jesus said, “In my Father’s house there are many mansions. I go to prepare you a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there you shall be also.” So you see, I didn’t come up with these ideas. They ARE, as you suggested wonderful, but they are the teachings of the Bible.
Bob, seeing, or having proof, is not having faith. I rest blessed and assured in my Savior’s care everyday. Faith is not believing God can, it’s knowing He will! Jesus said that if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” He also said, “I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me. But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” So you see, whether it is your Jesus or mine, Heaven is a place! A place for the afterlife of the Christian! The alternative is Hell. A lake of fire, where you will burn for all of eternity with no death, just burning and pain.
If you just have to have “proof” of God, you need only to see the beauty of nature. Jesus said, “Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” Not enough proof? Okay, ask yourself this question: Do you love anyone? PROVE IT! Love is a universal force, created by God, yet you can neither touch, nor hear, nor smell, nor see it! It is simply a feeling inside that it exists. It requires faith between people. Sir, you need Jesus! You need to reevaluate where you stand with Him. I will pray for you that you see the Light. Reaching out for our youth is a highly admirable goal, indeed, but trying to make yourself feel better by insulting me and saying, in short, that I am delusional, is no way to help me see how you are trying to do that! I was trying to tell you that you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar. And if you want to reach the youth of America and beyond, perhaps showing them the love of Jesus as opposed to ridiculing Him, would be a more effective way.
And just so you can feel better about yourself, I am proud of the adult that I am. I am kind, honest, hardworking, and fair. I do the best that I can with what I have, and I think that that is all anyone can do. I have faith, the love of my family, and a strong system of beliefs that sustain me through any times that come along. Do you have these things? Are you sure of where you will spend eternity? Do you know that you know that you know that you are forgiven by God? I do! I have tried to read your emails without laughing just like you do mine. And just like you, I find it very hard. I want so much for you to have an honest experience with God, and maybe then you will see how your website is offensive not only to me, but to Christians around the world. God bless you, Bob.
Jodi Prescott
BLASPHEMER! You absolutely insinuated there might be a version of Jesus we should shield from the eyes of our children! “With all of the “cutting”, self-loathing, and suicides among America’s youth, perhaps a crucified Jesus is not the particular Jesus that they should identify with.” Jodi Prescott, Aug 26, 2009 6:58 PM
Was Jesus not crucified? Is it not a truth greater than the blue sky above our heads and the earth below our feet? I am appalled and disgusted and repulsed and mortified, my nose snobbishly upturned in your direction, at such a repellent suggestion as this that you have put fourth in this heated discussion about forgiven sins!
I, my dear valued friend, am a perfect Christian! As perfect of a Christian as there can ever be! The BEST one in the WHOLE world! Sure, I am flawed, and I am a sinner just like you, but I read and follow the bible even better and more precisely than anybody! I am humbler than the most humbled, thankfuller than the most thankful, and proclaiming my wretchedness to the heavens louder than the most wretched! And might I add, I don’t care what you say, suicidal blood isn’t pure, and if Jesus had the power to stop his assassination at any time then it might as well’ve been a suicide. If I blindfold myself and walk into a den of lions would that not be suicide? MY Jesus is not a cutter! Jesus had to be tricked into getting killed!! And there’s only one person smarter than Jesus to organize such a scheme. His dad. Do you even read the Bible?! Or do you just throw out the quotes to make it seem like you do? Jesus’ assassination was part of God’s plan! Everyone knows that! You need to read the Bible again, my dear Mrs. Prescott, for the Jesus you worship nullified his sacrifice by suicide. I assure you He is spinning in His grave right now!
“Oh, the foolishness of believers and the things we declare in His name without merit. Which among us can say he has not been a foolish disciple?” -Jacob in The Bible.
I have something even better than absolute Faith in things that no sane person could believe without it. I have absolute PROOF that I convince myself is completely and utterly REAL, thus making Faith a thing of the past! A primitive self-induced voodoo mind trick that makes you and the rest of your mind-trick “believers” just another primitive tribe worshipping another false god. PROOF, as everyone knows, is better than Faith any day, thus making my belief stronger, larger and more grounded than your Peter Pan theories.
Jodi, I pray for you and your family every day that you’ll not suffer the wrath of eternal hell for the mistakes you’ve forced upon your family and their “Faith-based” beliefs. Haha. I can only imagine how the God above shakes His head in shame at the mere thought of followers who pretend to believe that which has no proof. I, on the other hand, will be rowing my diamond studded rowboat across heavenly waters looking down into its depths upon you and your family submerged miles below. A family anchored eternally to the bottom of a sea of crystals, enduring the punishment they’ve earned for a belief based not on proof, but pretend.
I pity and pray for you. God is not searching for mindless followers submitting their minds to someone’s word. He gave us minds for a reason, and I hope one day you’ll discover yours.
PS. Any child who starts an email with the Subject line “wtf?” is not a child who reads their Bible in their spare time, prays before lunch, or a stranger to the mainstream media. In addition, she sounds like the LAST child I’d want as the VP to a Campus Christian Club! Do you know what “wtf” stands for? And no, it’s not “Warriors Trumpeting Faith.”
Dear Lord, I dread the day I’m forced to bear witness to this drowning family while I’m trying to relax in my mansion on a cloud. |
“I just want to ask you to NOT to pray for me or my family, please. It’s a very scary thought that someone with no faith in Jesus is praying for me.” |
Subject: How sad your life must be!
How sad your life must be with no faith and nothing concrete to believe in. How sad it is that you had to convince yourself in whatever it is you believe. Thank you for your evaluation of me and my family. As this will be the last email that I will send you, I just want to ask you to NOT to pray for me or my family, please. It’s a very scary thought that someone with no faith in Jesus is praying for me. No faith in Jesus lets you pray to ANYTHING, and I think that’s maybe where your biggest flaw lies.
To answer your questions and relieve your mind, I have read the Bible, which is why I know the Truth. A truth I tried to share with you, but instead of trying to be understanding as I would expect “the Perfect Christian” to be, you responded with close-mindedness and hateful words. I believe that one of the callings of a Christian is to edify (which means to lift up) each other. My oldest daughter, who sent you the first email, does not live with me and being grown and out on her own with her own family, is her own person. It was my youngest I had mentioned being the Vice President of Christian on Campus, just to straighten that out. Sir, a blasphemer is someone who denies that there is a God, and while I may have LIED (a sin for which I do apologize to you for, I had forgotten I did say that), I did not blaspheme.
So, God bless you. I have done what I know to be right in my “mindless” belief. I have shared with you the way to God, which is my charge as a Christian. I will not email you any further to aggravate, or frustrate you. (Your welcome) Have the best life that you can have. Since you never answered my question about what religion you follow, I guess we’ll just have to wait until the day of the Rapture to see who is right!
Oh, by the way, I would be really interested in finding out which Bible you read! It must be different from mine, and I can’t say whether I agree with you or not if I haven’t read the same Bible that you read.
Brittany Prescott |
I’m trying to imagine the sort of happiness and peace of mind one gets thinking the gods up in the outer reaches of the cosmos are deciding whether or not to bless or curse individuals here on planet earth on the whims of their prayers.
Had you considered calling up a straightjacket manufacturer and putting in a bulk order? You can actually save a lot of money that way.
Bob |
I find it interesting that the sins of one person equal an eternity in hell but “the sin of all the world (past, present, and future)” equals three days in hell followed by an eternity being praised in Magical Baby Jesus Land. Who did that math?
Since when is crucifixion not murder?
If jebus went willingly, if he had a choice, then it’s suicide!! ya?
What happened to thou shall not kill?
Oh I forgot, it’s perfectly OK if god wants to kill or murder isn’t it?
The bible and it’s doctrines have destroyed this country and the minds of it’s people.
Did Jodi just sin? Lying’s a sin, right? Bad girl! 20 Hail Marys!
Life *is* sad.
“my five year old girl comes on the internet looking for a coloring page for church, that’s when it becomes ridiculous!”
I’ll tell you what is ridiculous, telling a five year old that a god came down from the sky disguised as his only begotten son and was dragged through the streets with a crown of thorns on his head and placed on a cross to suffer for all the sins of the world just because two people ate a fruit from a tree!!!
Now talk about ridiculous, that’s child abuse plain and simple, that girl will be brainwashed and confused all her life unless she figures it out that it’s all a bunch of fucking bullshit own her own and that her insane mother lied to her, which most people never figure it out, because we are told we must never question our parents, we presume they know more than we do because they were here, before we were born.
Our own parents to this very day, not having enough gumption to figure out own their own, that they too were lied to and brainwashed into the bible bullshit book of lies.
Are your commenters for real
or do you “ghost write” them?
Who would allow a five-year-old child to go mucking about on the Internet without supervision?? Anyway, I doubt the girl will be scarred for life from seeing a silly picture of Jesus in a tutu. She’s too young to even know what religion is all about.
wow!! here we go again… soo when exactly did you get our permission to post these emails?? they were personal from my mother to you and vice versa. so, umm yeah. and lil “God’s Holy Angel Steven Bentley” who are you to say how my daughter is going to turn out? grow up people. this is stupid. “Thou shalt not steal” is number 8 of the 10 commandments. how can you, bob, lecture us about these things and then take these emails and post them without permission.. thats stealing. God Bless you all.
Let’s see!
If I’m not mistaken, I think it’s a little thing called…
I know you do not believe in freedom of speech, unless of course, it’s something that you want to hear!!!
Here’s a nice little quote for ya!
“The bible and it’s doctrines have destroyed this country and the minds of it’s people.”
This includes you! Ya brainwashed fundy!
Feel free to click on my name for prayer and consultation!
God Less you!
I had no idea that the people who sent me their complaints, it was me who was actually stealing the letters away from them! And I suppose if someone hits me in the head with a stone, then I take that stone home and post pictures of it on the internet, that’s stealing too.
I’m surprised she found the -comment on this page- link…will the miracles from god, never cease??