Art, & little else

Jesus Dressup crownhanger logoRemember back in the day when I used to start off blogs with “So much has been going on to tell you about!”?  Well, things have changed. It’s been since June I last updated and even in those 4 months not a lot has happened. I’ve got a few art projects completed, Jesus and Trump magnets are still available, although the pile of Trumps is down almost to the end. Sales have been slow online, but the group of stores I sell to across the states are ordering some of everything on a consistent basis. And you should too!

Gigi Deluxe Dressup for your phone
Gigi Deluxe Dressup for your phone

Drawing pictures of the prettiest people is what’s been dominating most my creative time lately. First, the Gigi Deluxe Dressup game is completed and available for play on your phone!

So many sexy outfits! Go  see for yourself! There’s no end to the hot combinations of spears, sparkles and spectacular cleavage to enjoy!

Now Jake has made it clear to me that he always wants me to draw pictures of him no matter what. It’s a request I’m happy to oblige. I swear I’ve done so many drawings of Jake I could do it now without reference. But in this particular instance I was challenged to see what Jake might look like as a bodybuilder. And what I thought might be a struggle turned out to be one of the quickest successes I was able to sketch out in no time flat! The final result, in my opinion, is absolutely spectacular! I think some of you will completely agree.

Alex, Hairdresser 2019
Alex, Hairdresser 2019

Finally, I just completed this adorable portrait of the friend of a friend. More accurately, the hairdresser of a friend – Alex. I’ve been finding much contentment spending time on these projects. I’ve included the sketches for these latest pieces as per your request.
