Almost not believing, & your Moments of Deconversion

Below is an email from an ALMOST unbeliever who I attempt to help along the path to disbelief. I’ve always thought it’d be wonderful to have collection of unrepentance stories detailing the exact moment, realization or epiphany that caused a believer to declare their atheism. I realize it’s generally a long process, but usually there’s a moment when the lightbulb finally sparks to full glow and there’s no turning back. What was your Moment of Deconversion? Please share. I plan to use your stories for a new page of fan mail.

Lauren’s letter

Hey Bob,
I sort of just stumbled onto your site through Dress Up Jesus. When I first saw dress up Jesus I laughed to myself a little bit haha. But this is kind of long, and I don’t even know if you check this or will respond, but i just wanted your opinion on some stuff I have been wondering.

Anyways, i looked around on your site and read some of the mail you have gotten. And reading through a few of your responses I saw a few things you stated about what you did or didn’t believe and specifically that you don’t believe in God. Now I am from a Christian family, grew up in church, and now attend a Christian university. ‘Religion’ has been bred into pretty me even though I hate that term. But this last summer, while trying to explain Jesus and God and Christianity to a friend of mine I realized that I don’t even know if I believe what I am trying to convince my friend of. I mean how can some Being that I am told I will never understand create this earth which is huge and create all life and then because some ancestor of mine ate the wrong fruit, separate Himself from me and then love me still so much that He sends His son to earth who performs all these inexplicable miracles and heals people and then the people kill him and then he rises from the dead and goes to heaven and for some reason that saves my soul and I get to go some place up in the clouds when I die? Sounds kind of weird when you think about it. And so long story short, for the first time in my life, I don’t know. I can’t look you straight in the face and say that I believe God exists and in everything that Jesus did. I am doing some spiritual counseling with a mentor at my school but I am looking for some little piece of absolute proof of God’s existence so I can grab onto that and rebuild my belief system but it isn’t there. It is said God is God because He is unfathomable, but thats not working for me right now.

Anyways, what I wanted to ask you: since summer and all the questions, i have thought a lot about what life means now if I don’t believe in God. And if i take that thought and follow it through to what that means for me, it means life has no purpose. I can drop out of college or be valedictorian, fail my classes or ace them all, live homeless the rest of my life or make lots of money, be a jerk to everyone in my life or nice, go kill someone or save someone’s life, start a war or stop one…idk it doesn’t really matter. Because one day I am going to die and all the things i did in my lifetime won’t do anything for me when i am dead. And what about death? If there is no God, no heaven or hell, no redemption or damnation, then what happens when I die? Is it just eternal dark nothingness? I have been living in that mentality and it is depressing. Part of this is me venting thoughts, but I also want your opinion. Some Christian people in my life have given me sugar coated ‘o well you aren’t really doubting and Jesus is real you just have to believe’ answers and other Christian people have really been an encouragement to me despite how what they say still solves nothing. I have come to the conclusion that rejecting God for me is not an option because, well to be honest I can’t really deal with the idea of rejecting God any better than the idea of believing in God.

In my searching, I have come to find that if I could say I believed in God, He would be good, loving, and relational. I used to think I was better than people because I was a Christian and followed this moral code that somehow got me some special attention because I was good. But what I am finding is that this Jesus hung out with the rejects, the sluts, the diseased, the homeless and the needy. In fact, he would have been rejected by today’s mega churches, televangelists and ultra conservative bible-thumpers. But I still can’t grasp Jesus or grasp the idea of God. This was a little longer than I expected, so if you are still reading sorry. But I would like your honest ideas, especially on the after-life and if God exists. Just stuff I am wrestling with currently, and I don’t know, you just seemed like a guy who would give me your ideas straight. Anyways, thanks!


P.S. – hey, also reading your hate mail, I still consider myself to be a Christian despite doubting pretty much everything (i think i am allowed to do that haha). but i am embarrassed to be put in the same category as those people who have been sending you terrible hate mail. i am no theologian, scholar, or even that religious, but if those people are supposedly following someone who’s ultimate message was just love everyone, they are doing a poor job of it. you are obviously stirring up the pot and getting under someone’s skin but someone is learning to love from what you are doing so good job i think.

Hey Lauren,
Let me first say I know right where you’re at. I was there once and the answers that are so obvious to me now seemed like faint shadows of mystery then.

The most standout issue in your letter here, the thing that was simultaneously shoveled into your brain with God, is the “no purpose without God” idea. An idea that seems outright perverse when I consider it now. Would failing all your classes, dropping out of college, being a jerk to everyone and living a life of homelessness make your life better & more enjoyable? Forget whether or not it’d please the maker of the universe. Would it please you? Are you only living this life so you can hurry up and claim the prize someone promised waits for you after the grave? Do you honestly see no other reason to put effort into being good, expanding your mind, working towards the things that make you proud, and in general pursuing happiness as it applies to you?

Has the belief in God really taught you that your own goals, aspirations, pleasures and values aren’t important if it’s for yourself and yourself alone? Has your belief really encouraged this downgrading of your value and judgement? In my mind those sort of lessons are nothing short of mental abuse.

Obviously you have value without whatever god you pretend exists, and your well being matters, and doing things that give you meaning and purpose not only helps you but those around you as well. Treating others well inspires them to treat you well, which obviously adds to your own fulfillment. Failing all your classes, dropping out of school and living on the streets doesn’t sound like anything that’d make life more enjoyable or purposeful and help anyone you care about. On the other hand, expanding your mind, searching out intelligence, asking questions, and finding your own life’s purpose may not please this god-being at every turn, but it could sure put a smile on your face, and clear the cobwebs away from the purpose you’re seeking. Do you have a couple ideas bouncing around in your head that you could set your sights on that’d make for an enjoyable and interesting purpose in your life? Would throwing a brick through the window of a liquor store then stealing everything you could get your hands on and drinking yourself into oblivion help you acquire that fulfilling enjoyable purpose? Or would you instead be able to do something else to add value to your life so you can be someone you’re proud to be who, when she discusses what she believes, is proud of what she says because it makes sense?

My belief is that when I die it’s done. I didn’t exist before I was born, and I’m going to the same place afterwords. It wasn’t a scary world of darkness and nothingness or an eternal void, or anything at all. Before I was born I just wasn’t. I didn’t exist. And as I remember it wasn’t the least bit of an inconvenience. I suspect that nonexistence after life will be similarly uneventful. This immediately places FAR more value on the process of living this life. When I finally came to the conclusion that I was in fact an atheist, my life began to brim over with meaning and purpose. Much of which is trumpeted on my website for the world to scoff.

It became abundantly clear that living my life for an eternal super being who loved the speck of dust named Bob did very little to add meaning and value to my life. It’s impossible for me now not to see that concept as uninspiring, wasteful, and degrading. When I get emails like yours I tend to want to speed you along the path of unbelief so you can get started on REAL life. One that has you telling people about beliefs that make sense, have a basis, and encourage thought, study, and doubt.

I could go on and on, but I’ll stop here. I get ahead of myself and overly excited about seeing someone’s eyes opening up to reality.
If there’s any questions I didn’t answer let me know. I’ve got a head full of answers.



16 thoughts on “Almost not believing, & your Moments of Deconversion”

  1. Moment of Deconversion

    It was a year after my high-school graduation. I believed God had a real plan for me, and I prayed all through high-school for him to show me the path he wanted me to take. And I was ready.

    Then, one day, I finally came out of denial and realized I was gay.
    I didn’t say it out loud at first, because I honestly feared God would hurt me. But then I figured God would already know if I was, so saying it didn’t change anything.

    I started asking myself lots of questions. Why would God make me gay? Hmm… so that I could become a nun? Maybe, but God thinks being gay is an abomination? So, at the time, I saw two options. Either God wants me to live a celibate life and serve him. OR, the God of the Bible doesn’t exist.

    The thought of never having a spouse, a family or children scared me, but I considered it a possible path. But I wanted to make sure that I was ready, AND that I was right.

    This is what jump started my asking questions, studying, and so forth.
    So I would say that the time I realized I was gay was also the time I realized God might not be real. And I don’t have to tell you that THAT was one crazy-ass day!

  2. ” i have thought a lot about what life means now if I don’t believe in God. And if i take that thought and follow it through to what that means for me, it means life has no purpose”

    Sorry if my post isn’t relevant to what’s being asked for, but I wanted to say something. I wasn’t raised a Christian. My mum is fairly religious, my Dad is a rabid atheist, but I was allowed to make up my own mind and neither of them EVER told me what they believed until I asked. I thank them both very much for that.

    But like Bob, this quote is the thing that stands out for me. When I get down, when things feel bad, it does seem like life has no purpose. But when I feel like that I remember what I believe: that this life is all we get. That means it has EVERY purpose! Make it count! Fill it with experience and happiness! Sharing the life that you have with your friends and family is what life is about. No books needed; no instructions required.

    One more thing. Read the Bible. Does that really seem like a book designed to speak to you about joy? It’s all about subservience. For the Bible, purpose = submission without question. That’s not love, that’s obedience. If it feels wrong, it is wrong.

  3. Bob, I really appreciate how you’re advising Lauren, but I think it has the potential to get a lot more complicated.

    I’ve been an atheist for a good 10 years now, and it’s still difficult to find meaning. Philosophy takes the place of religion – I’ve run the gamut from secular humanism (essentially believing in the goodness of humanity) to nihilism (not seeing meaning in anything in life).

    I guess what I’m essentially getting at is this…

    If your life is great, atheism allows you to take pride of ownership in that greatness.

    If your life sucks, atheism denies you the hope that there will be something better after it’s all over.

  4. Bob, you’re the wisest man dressed like Satan on the whole internet. Thanks for your years spent in the service of sanity and humor.

    My “lightbulb” moment occurred in my 11th year of Catholic school, in Theology class. An arrogant high school teacher (who insisted that we all call him “Dr.” instead of “Mr.”, pretentious prick) instructed that absolutely the only way to Heaven was through Jesus. A few kids asked some sheepish questions about this policy of God’s, but Dr. X insisted, no, without Jesus you go to hell. No exceptions.

    And I lost my temper. All the doubts and questions that had been brewing within me for two or three years came out at that moment. I was rude and loud and maybe a little desperate. I asked, if God was cruel enough to roast people forever for being born into the wrong religion, was he worthy of being worshipped? How could a kind and loving god possibly do that? What about Gandhi? Has anyone ever lived a more “Christ-like” life than Gandhi? Gandhi was an educated man. He’d studied all the religions of the world in college, and remained a Hindu his whole life, rejecting Jesus. Is Gandhi roasting in hell?

    And Dr. X took a breath and said yes, Gandhi was roasting in hell. He said we *had* to believe that. He explained patiently that if someone–Gandhi, anyone– could get into Heaven without Jesus, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection would all become meaningless. If Gandhi didn’t need Jesus, he asked, why do you, why do I? Without consequences for rejecting Jesus, he said, the whole premise of Christianity would crumble to dust.

    And you know what? He was right. I could either declare my belief in a god who tortured people forever for disobedience, or reject Christianity completely. By the time I finished high school, I was done with religion. And by the time I graduated college, I’d told everyone who cared about me that I was an atheist. Twenty years later, they all still care about me. An atheist knows that the people we share our lives with are all that matter.

  5. “Before I was born I just wasn’t. I didn’t exist. And as I remember it wasn’t the least bit of an inconvenience. I suspect that nonexistence after life will be similarly uneventful. This immediately places FAR more value on the process of living this life.”

    Best part, in my opinion. Thanks for sharing this, Bob. Back in 2003 you did a great job of presenting your ideas and you most certainly helped me on the path to realization and meaning in my life (if you weren’t The Most important catalyst altogether). And I’m sure you will help many, many others.

  6. Great response Bob! I too have always been fascinated by why people believe what they believe and how they learned to abandon their myths for reality. Please let us know if you hear back from Lauren.

  7. My moment occurred while sitting in a computer lab having another one of those ‘wondering about the universe’ thoughts that lead to my fingers typing into the search engine, for the first time, looking for people who thought as I did. Until that moment, I’d always thought Christianity was a fraud but for some reason thought that ‘atheist’ was too harsh a term to describe myself. That is, until my internet search found American Atheists and I finally realized I wasn’t alone. That website has a great collection brilliant articles on the topic of atheism and religion. After an obsessive amount of research I eventually learned that it’s ok to proudly assume the title of ‘atheist’. ( was also how I found Bob’s website)

  8. If there is no God, no heaven or hell, no redemption or damnation, then what happens when I die? Is it just eternal dark nothingness? I have been living in that mentality and it is depressing.

    I always thought living ‘forever’ was a depressing thought. Just like it’s described in a Star Trek: Voyager episode. I mean, imagine knowing that you must always be conscious and exist – there’s no way to end it. You can be everything, do everything, observe every atom in the universe… and there’s still time left over.


    I have come to the conclusion that rejecting God for me is not an option because, well to be honest I can’t really deal with the idea of rejecting God any better than the idea of believing in God.

    Do neither. “Rejecting” God implies that you’re willing yourself to actively do something about God or that you’re making an active judgement on “which team to play for”. Treat God the same way you treat the tooth fairy, leprechauns, gnomes, elves, goblins, and Harry Potter – a book character. The Bible is a collection of allegorical fiction – old fiction, for sure – but still fiction.

    Do you really think that all of this is really just for us, and we’re “special considerations” of a creator that is monitoring each and every one of us 24/7? My human ego, pride and hubris wants to say yes, but a simple observation of scale would clearly suggest no.

    Best of luck to Lauren – she reminds me of myself towards the end of high school. It’s a short jump from “I’m not really digging the Jesus thing” to “Life makes a lot more sense when I’m not trying to shoehorn explanations into things where the explanation clearly doesn’t fit.”

    You said all the right things Bob in your response Bob – I have the same viewpoint! Life is short – live it up.

  9. Everybody who deconverts from Christianity has a “so life is meaningless now, right?” moment. These flashes came to me for about 2-3 years. It’s like, “whoah, so what’s holding the earth up in the sky then?”

    Just remember: it’s a gift. Because before now, as part of the religion, nobody ever encouraged anyone to even think about things like “what is meaning” or “what’s my purpose” that didn’t have a pat answer in the index of a Moody book in the church library. They want you to think that outside of God belief, there are no questions like that, and everybody lives for material possessions and debauchery.

    But, HAH! What they don’t tell you is that all these thousands of years while Judaism and Christianity existed, there lived millions and millions of people OUTSIDE of those faiths! Swear to “Bob!” In fact, outside of those faiths there were and are living, breathing thinkers and philosophers and even scientists who had great answers–or even more questions in response to those questions.

    There’s this mystical place in the world, far, far east of here, where they never did Jesus, where questions like “without God, isn’t life meaningless?” are seen as Bar jokes. Or met with blank stares. Or answered with paradoxical questions, or challenges. “The answer is ‘to live.'” That seems like a head-scratcher, until you figure out it can be taken seriously.

  10. I don’t remember a single “lightbulb moment,” more like a gradual understanding that my religion was not all that I had thought it was, and that my beliefs were just plain ridiculous. It wasn’t until I got access to the Internet that I really began to question Christianity. The Internet exposes one to a LOT more information and people than one would normally find in real life. I suppose it was inevitable that I would encounter people who were pagans, Wiccans, Hindus, and other religions (and atheists), and it was then that I learned that these people were not much different than me. I know it sounds silly, but I had grown up believing that all non-Christians were going to hell for worshiping the devil, so it was a bit of an eye-opener to talk to them and realize that they were…well, pretty ordinary, and they didn’t worship Satan and weren’t evil.

    So then I began thinking of other aspects of Christianity and wondering what else might not be true. Instead of ignoring what atheists had to say, I paid attention, and to my surprise, they made a lot of sense. Biblical stories that I had been taught were literal history turned out to be allegory and myth. Commands that I had been told were the irrefutable word of God turned out to have no relevance in today’s world. Most astounding was the realization that the entire story of Jesus, from his conception to his resurrection, was based on ancient myths going back many thousands of years, all the way to the Egyptians! Eventually, I stopped going to church, praying, and worrying about what God thought. Either there is no God, or he isn’t paying attention to human beings–and a god who doesn’t care looks exactly the same as a god who doesn’t exist.

    As for an afterlife–well, if there is one, nobody knows what form it will take. How do we know the Buddhists and Hindus aren’t correct, and you get reincarnated over and over? Whatever happens, nobody seems to have a clue, and that tells me that it’s not that important. Do the best you can to be a good person, take advantage of the opportunities that come your way, and be excellent to other people. Live this life NOW, and whatever happens after you die, will take care of itself. I don’t remember existing before I was born, so it will be no big deal if I don’t exist when I die.

  11. Well, I lived to be around sixty years old, and following the American Dream, going to school for 12 years getting married and working 40 plus hours at the old grind making house and car payments just mimicking what every other good ole American worker does, not questioning why we are doing the things we do.

    Then I finally got to retire and had some time on my hands and people I would meet on the street would ask what are you doing these days? And I said nothing, I’m retired and they would say, “That’s nice!” and then they would ask, ‘Which church do I go to?” So I started asking myself, “Why do people care about which church I attend?” And then I ask myself, “How come so many Americans are so acclimated and adamant about religion and beliefs? And then I got to wondering about just how did Christianity and the Bible and religious beliefs get started in America?

    I got to thinking to myself, just how did all those idiotic religious beliefs get over here and arrive on to this non-Christian land? It hit me!!! It was a white man named Christopher Columbus, whom brought with him a Bible to protect him and his crew from evil spirits and demons and to save him and his ship from falling off the edge of the earth because it was well known knowledge that anyone leaving the sight of land on a ship was sure disaster and a death sentence for the ship and her crew, because they would be falling off the edge of the flat earth and into hell for eternity.

    Then I got to thinking that was around 1492, the year that Columbus discovered America, just 518 years ago, it took 1492 A.D. years before anyone was brave enough to leave the sight of land for fear of falling off the face of the flat earth?

    So I got to thinking, “What else did people not know just a few hundred years ago?”

    They thought that diseases were caused by demons and evil spirits and witch spells.

    We now know with the invention of the microscope and medical discovery, that diseases are caused by bacteria, germs, microbes, and man made chemicals and from the radiation from the Sun.

    We now know that rainbows are caused by the Suns reflection of water molecules, and not by a god’s promise to not flood the earth.

    We now know that Islands in the pacific and other oceans are caused by millions of years of volcanic action rising out of the seas and growing everyday and not that the earth is just 6 thousand years old.

    We now know with the invention of the telescope, that there exists over 125 billion other galaxies similar to our own that most likely hosts life just as this galaxy does.

    So with just that little bit of factual knowledge led me to realize that the people who wrote the Bible had very little knowledge of the earth and it’s surroundings and were just guessing about how we all got here and that we each have a specific purpose to serve and worship some imaginary god, otherwise we will be punished according to our works and our own individual beliefs.

    What kind of god that can create the whole entire universe in just 6 days would want, need, or desire worship or praise from his own creation?

    A weak man made god, that’s the kind of god that would want such nonsense.

    If I were a god, my main concern would be to keep the planets and the moons and the solar system in good working order, rather than trying to keep up with what a planet or planets with billions of people on them thinks or believe in their puny little minds.

    And so the white man used the Bible to justify the killing and taking the Indians land because they were considered heathen infidels because they did not believe in Jesus.

    But the Indians were not heathen infidels, they were “Human Beings” just like the rest of us, doing what regular human beings do.

    Claiming to be a Christian is a “Bad Thing”, it’s looked upon as good, but Christianity and it’s past has been swept and clouded under the rug of history.

  12. My “moment”… I think it was when I was 11 or 12, one day I realized there can’t be Satan because I already denied the existance of Judeo-Christian God. So no Judeo-Christian Devil either. Man I can remember how depressed I became and started to look for Devil just to be sure if I had been wrong after all. But every “Satanas” I found was fake.
    It really “stops” you when you realize that something you were believing (well, I was just a kid at least) isn’t real, and I think the “worst” way is to find it out by yourself, the good side is that no one else takes credit from “opening one’s eye”, haha.
    Tho I have a bad habit; sometimes I tend to be a real dreamer. There are moments when I believe in something greater than any human being, and that’s nature, the eart. 🙂 Right here are all gods I’m ever going to need, even thought they really aren’t real, but the feeling of being close to nature and the nature itself is real.
    I still enjoy demonology and the myth of Devil (But I tend to get mad if someone messes up Lucifer and Satan, don’t mix roman mythology with christianity anymore people!) nowadays just for fun, like comics and fantasy books. Human mind is a wonderful thing when it comes down to fiction and stories in general.
    (Sorry the typo-english, still learning the language!)

  13. Bob,
    My ‘lightbulb’ moment came when I was about 14. I was one of those kids that would just piss off ministers and their assistants with all my questions. Much of what was preached at church just did not make any sense when weighed against what actually happens in life, and I would try and get clarification….Usually the minister would just say something like “We were not meant to know” or some other load of crap.
    One day, out of frustration, an assistant at the church said…”Why don’t you just read the bible, then it will all be clear for you”. Even though I felt put off, i actually did pick up a bible and started reading it. Half way through Exodus, I came to the conclusion, that if there is a god, it is not the one mentioned in the bible, and if it is, I could never support such a horrible god.
    After I finished the bible, I remember praying to god and saying that since I have no idea what to beleive after reading that book, I will leave it up to him to let me know if he has any rules or anything he needs me to do. I am 41 now and god has been absolutely silent for all these years. At age 30 i had come to the following conclusions, as far as I am concerned, there would be only 3 reasons why i never heard back from god.
    1. (The most likely), god does not exist.
    2. That god wants me to go to hell so he is not going to help me. (The most unlikely, cause most religious texts mention that god wants you to go to heaven)
    3. That god has nothing for me to do or be in order to get to heaven, so therefore he need not respond.
    I took the most logical selection and have never looked back except once. I recently lost my Mother to cancer. She was a very special friend in my life and I felt incredibly lost after her death. Not sure why, but for a week after her death, I kept expecting her to come to me in a vision, or as a ghost, or something….. I am not sure why I thought that this would even be possible, but it was there. I have since gotten over it, and in fact my “nonbelief” is stronger than ever. I feel that if mom knew there was a heaven and that there was something that i needed to do or be in order to get there, she would go through heaven and hell to let me know.
    It is strange to slip back into delusion after so many years of truth.

  14. So how do i contact Lauren? Because she’s got some things written there that are pretty damn wrong and/or easy to answer. For instance: Jesus’ message was of love. Completely wrong, if you ever read Holy Bible. There is of course no definitive proof that there is no kind of universal consciousness pervading the universe, but there is proof that if there is one, Yahweh isn’t it. And then all that “despair” crap… god they breed them good, don’t they? Okay that is not an insult to Lauren, it’s an insult to how horribly mindfucked these churches make these people. Anyway her whole theory on “it doesn’t matter” has one seriously major flaw.. it doesn’t matter IF you believe in Christian church propaganda, because if Magic Jesus makes everyone Good as long as they say, “Oh Please Magical Jesus Make Me Good (without, of course, changing my personality in any way),” then what you do in life does not matter at all… after all you can do whatever the fuck you want, and still be ‘rewarded’ as long as you ask for it, and since Earth isn’t the ‘real’ place for you to be, what happens on Earth (such as homelessness) also doesn’t matter.

    Of course, if I were talking to Lauren, my writings would be worded much differently, and not sarcastic/etc. I have lots of experience in talking to (reasonable, decent) Christians. I can get them to consider new points in their religion to relate to situations, either as to why the religion is stupid if they are willing to believe this, or to why they should be more happy or take a good action from a standpoint that will appeal to those who would never give up their religion. In other words, I would say all the same things I just said above, but I wouldn’t sound like this.

  15. Gary: I’m glad you’re an atheist, but arguing with your teacher was stupid. I always find it amazing that atheists and Pagans/Earth/witches/etc. almost always have more knowledge of Holy Bible then Christians, and even when the Christians do have immense knowledge of it, the atheists they discuss it with then tend to have more knowledge on related history and things like that. Christianity has nothing to do with “being good”. God doesn’t care, even though in many places it will talk about what the “rules” are for being good (one example: don’t have a menstrual cycle), it’s ultimately irrelevant because the belief of The Christian Religion(TM) is that you ask Jesus to “forgive you” and go to heaven. The only relevant question in this debate is, “What if you have never heard of anything called ‘Jesus’ and/or ‘God’? Usually I can’t get a straight answer for that one, but that is the only reasonable opposition that can be used in this argument. What SHOULD be done is irrelevant, because in religions with “rules”, there is only what IS the rule. Your teacher was correct. He didn’t write the book, others did. Well, technically, there is no book, but that’s more history.

  16. Raven,

    Re: your 1/26 comments

    I’m not sure why you consider my arguing with my teacher “stupid”. I admitted I basically lost it with him in front of my class. I was only 15 after all. The way I see it, anything you do that leads to wisdom can’t be stupid.

    I’m not sure, reading your comments to me and others, where you’re coming from. It’s probably true that most atheists know the Bible better than most Christians. Logically, you have to understand an idea before you can reject it; it’s much easier to never think about it and just pray merrily along.

    I think many people have misconceptions about why atheists abandon religion. I didn’t change because I had some kind of agenda. I simply realized I didn’t buy it. That’s it. Angels, demons, waking on water, etc.? Ridiculous ideas. Nonsense. That’s all. I just don’t buy it.


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