I’m not sure if anyone’s been keeping up with the additions to the latest page of Hate Mail. There’s definitely been a trend of hate mailers sending me their absurd religious jabber, then right after it’s posted publicly some random disaster strikes them leading to their command to have all letters taken down. Sometimes it’s a ruining of a job interview or a death in the family. Today it’s the loss of a fiance. I’m sorry, but there’s just too many instances of the worst thing that’s ever happened to them happening right when their stupidity goes public. I invite you to judge for yourself with the files of Kun.
That all said and done, there’s definitely happy news to share! I am officially ready for Comic Con to begin! And there’s still a couple days left until it does!!! Who do you ever hear say shit like that!!?!
I’ve got a whole crew of excited, anxious, sexy girls ready to go, several surprises set in place to spring on certain targets. And I think I’m even prepared to capture the magic on video for the rest of you to see in Internet Land! This event is such a big deal for me. It’s a chance to spread the news about everything I’ve been doing here to one gargantuan crowd all at once. My hopes are high, and you can bet when I return on Monday I’ll have stories, photos and vids to share. I think I’ll even be keyed up enough to offer updates as it’s happening, so stay abreast! News will be plentiful.