If you’ve loved this site and wanted to help out but didn’t have the time or the money to make any sort of impact, think again. For the past several years I’ve been teamed up with a good friend of mine selling Normal Bob Pinsets to all of you. This is them:
They are only $6 a set, and right now I only need to sell 10 more sets to get a sizable payment from Cold Cocked Cards for all they’ve sold so far. In short, if I sell ten more sets a much needed check gets sent my way. A check that’s going right back into the site to make it better, funnier and yes, more dangerous.
I’m hoping everyone notices that this sort of request isn’t common from me, and the uniqueness of the opportunity is apparent. Your purchases (if they happen) will go a long way, and be greatly appreciated.
There it is. My heart on a platter for all of you.
I totally just bought one!
I feel important and awesome, for I am a mighty cog in the NormalBobSmith.com machine!
What?? I don’t need yer stinkin’ pinsets!
Well, ok, since you did put a big smile on my face with that qwerty story… fine. I’ll maybe buy one or two…
I own two sets already…Love em.