Category Archives: News

NoBS Radio Shows 2008 – 09?

DJ Snakeface & Normal Bob 2008

Over a decade and a half later NoBS Radio is finally found and accessible again! Episodes 10, 11, 12, 14, and 15 have all been restored. Episode 13 has yet to be located. I’ve also been having difficulty figuring out the exact dates each was recorded. They all seem to indicate late 2008 or early 2009, but I’m completely uncertain of this. Are you into solving mysteries on the web like this? If through clues in the shows, Wayback, or other methods, you can solve this. I am interested. In fact, I’m willing to offer a FREE set of JDU magnets of your choice for each show’s year, month, date? If you got the proof you can got some magnets! I’d love to hear from you.

Show #12 w/DJ Snakeface Nov 2008
• We talk about our Expelled documentary experience.
• We’re both terribly excited about meeting Yana Iguana at Snakemonkey and the help she provided for the site revamp. Speaking of Snakemonkey, check out Rachel Amodeo’s “What About Me?”
• Amazing Stranger’s Ramblin’ Bill and the Peepers page & Peepers Gothamist appearance.
Super Chics Blaze & Jen (Severed Moi), Brandy, Messy Stench discussed.
DJ Snakeface spins: “Diary of a Fetus” by Li’l Marky & The Feeders “Jesus Entering from the Rear”

Show #14 w/DJ Snakeface 2008, 2009?
• Talk about George Carlin intro & gf Normal Bobby Smith
• We listen to fan made show promos to win a contest of some sort.
• We read from and discuss the latest page of hate mail – page 374 & 375.
Super Chics additions and updates all around!
• Snakeface “Eat the Bible” challenge.
• Amazing Strangers Dog Molester updates, and I answer Bonnie’s questions about the Peepers and Normal Bob tells stories about his arguments with the Jesus freaks at Union Square Park.
• We discuss the back-masking scare in the 80s in heavy metal music
DJ Snakeface spins: Alice Donut “Lisa’s Father” & Sammy Hall “Hole in my Soul” &  G.G. Allin and the Murder Junkies “Highest Power”

Show #15 w/DJ Snakeface 2009 (a few glitches & hiccups in the recording, but mostly fine.)
• My visit to the 9th precinct after threat by Islamic org from page 380 of Hate Mail
• Normal Bob tells some stories about being approached in NYC becuz of my crucified satan tattoos.
The Toys R Us JDU story as told on page 382 of hate mail.
• Talks about Bob Smith USA and my 2nd visit to ASU.
Amazing Strangers pg 71 w/Freddy & Tony dancing, Clint Howard, Gravers, Junkies & Christians at the Square. • • • YouTube was not yet allowing for lengthy, hi-res vids so we’re asking for streaming service suggestions.  
DJ Snakeface spins: Alice Cooper “Second Coming” & Baby Lu-Lu “Jesus Loves Me” & King Missile “Jesus Was Way Cool”

And of course Episodes 10 and 11 can be viewed on the previous page. I’m unsure yet if there’s a need to find a permanent place for these on the main site somewhere, but I’ll be sure to announce it if that occurs.
I hope that these are enjoyed.


NoBS Radio shows found

Normal Bob & DJ Snakeface 2008

One of my favorite things to have happen is when I think I’ve lost something forever, then suddenly in some completely unpredictable way that thing is found. It’s happened with Amazing Stranger videos, and dressup games I’ve designed, and now it’s happened again! Last week I was contacted by my good friend DJ Snakeface, who some of you may recognize by name. He was the co-host of the second wave of NoBS Radio shows broadcast in 2008. If you haven’t guessed already from the subject title, the discovery is that he did indeed have FIVE of the original shows in his possession! I was stunned. I’d thought they were lost forever.

A huge THANK YOU to DJ Snakeface for coming through backing up these files, and all the work put into producing the show. You need to check out his band, Weapon Eyes and Album – Phantom Power. It can be heard on Spotify or Apple Music. It’s really fuckin cool, old school flavored punk rocker stuff with a sense of humor, a heavy beat and fun Snakeface attitude. You’ll love it!

Anyhow, I’m delighted now to bring those episodes to you. Each one is an hour long, and I’ve been going through them trying and pin down the exact date each was recorded, list their contents with links, and figure out the best way to make them public again. I’ve decided the best way right now is to simply make the mp3 files downloadable directly from the site. Each one is around 40mb and there’s only 5, so it should be simple enough. I presently have episode 10 & 11 ready. Click the NoBS Radio icon to download and I hope you enjoy this trip down  Memory Lane as much as I.

Show #10 w/DJ Snakeface Aug 2008
• Promoting the Unholy Army Tour (Chicago) and the Whiteout of the KY tour.
• Normal Bob talks about the tattoo he wants to get, and the site makeover.
• Commenting on hate mail recordings left on answering machine.
• Discussing the Expelled documentary.
DJ Snakeface spins: Jim & Tammy Fey Bakker “Oops Here Comes a Smile”
& The Louvin Brothers “Satan Lied to Me” 
• I tell the story meeting Jay Bakker about his Punkrock Church in Williamsburg.

Show #11 w/DJ Snakeface Sep 2008
• Normal Bob tells the story of his Mancow conflict & Penn Jillette defense.
• Will Normal Bob be Killed? Question posed in VanAllen family chat.
• Discussing the Amazing Strangers pg 60 w/the Dog Molester & Baby Scenesters, and then Bob’s story of New York Magazine’s search for atheists on the streets.
• Snakeface interviews The Pope in New York City, which leads to a convo about each of our religious upbringings.
DJ Snakeface spins: Armourplate “David” & William S. Burroughs “A One God Universe”

As I go through the rest of these I plan to find a permanent spot on the site for them. 
Oh yeah. Happy 2024!

Thank You & Jesus Christ

It’s that time of year again when we all celebrate thanking each other, and Jesus Christ. And what better way to exercise those actions than a Thankyou Sale on Jesus Dressup for the holidays!?! At present I have 7 different JDUs available, which you can now purchase for just $70!

I know it’s again been a couple months since my last post, but I swear I’ve not fallen asleep at the wheel. I have projects being worked on. Ones you’ll be privy to in good time. But the goal of this post is to simply make you aware of this All 7 for $70 deal, and to not waste much more of your time.

I hope that’s alright.


I am outdated

It’s been a while since I’ve gotten any sort of review of my stuff online, but a couple weeks ago I was sent this. ——>>>>>
My immediate reaction was “Yup, I’m officially old school/dark web internet. I am outdated. You’ll be there too, one day.”

It seems my most popular content reflects this. The videos, the anti-religious sentiment, the uncensored words. In fact, you probably couldn’t upload my content nowadays without being stricken down. I’m probably walking around in fear of reprisals for the things I’ve said and done online, and I’m part of an internet history most would like to forget. The video review was another reminder of how my “normal” does not at all coincide with popular normal. I’ve known this. It’s the reason for my name, for Christ’s sake.

The fliers I spread around town

I suppose I’m not surprised by this, but I wouldn’t have predicted it was the way things would be 20 years later. A lot has happened since I’ve abandoned my main site– A recession, the pandemic, Trump, Antifa, Q, religious & conservative pushback, internet censorship, etc. The news consists mainly of imminent doom and endless reasons to fear your neighbor. Stores are more wary than ever to carry my stuff. I get it. Jesus Dressup is picking a fight when less fights need be picked. And the town I’m living is the most conservative place I’ve ever lived. Life feels very, very different indeed.

Jack Kerouac pen & ink

I’m not living under any sort of fear though. I outgrew that decades ago. I’m naively living under the assumption that people here are suffocating on their old fashioned conservative commitments and’ll be overjoyed to hear my refreshing outlook. Here is my art! Here are my fliers! Here are my funny magnets of your Saviour! Hey, where’s everybody going?! Hello?

I’ve found a few small clusters of folks who do reflect these assumptions, but overall it’s just I who’s suffocating.
So, welcome Fall!

Come see some of my scariest stuff at
The Haunted Art Show! Friday the 13th through October.