The Dog Molester, an Amazing Strangers Exposé

Anibal A Delgado Registered Sex Offender
Andy the Dog Molester with a Puppy

 “The first time I ever saw the Union Square Dog Molester it was the summer of ’06, and I didn’t refer to him as the “Dog Molester” at all. He was just “The guy who helps single moms push their baby carriages,” and that was the extent of it… It wasn’t until later that year when I first witnessed the Dog Molester’s true self…”


One thought on “The Dog Molester, an Amazing Strangers Exposé”

  1. Man, that’s disturbing. O_o So, what’s the next step? Put up posters of the Dog Molester around Union Square? Or maybe hand out pamphlets of him? Either one could produce some interesting results!

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