Category Archives: Atheism

Subjects pertaining to or of interest to atheists

I’m Still Here!

Jesus Dressup crownhanger logoI’ve gotten enough inquiries lately about whether or not I still sell the Jesus magnets, or how I’m doin, or when I’ll be back at Union Square that I should probably give an update no matter how uneventful. Compared to everyone else this year, I’m fine out here in the middle of nowhere-Michigan away from all the rest of the world’s drama. And no offense, but not being in the city has its benefits too. So yes, I do indeed still have magnets for sale!
I have 6 different versions of Jesus Dressup available:
1. Original JDU
2. Halloween JDU
3. Final Justice JDU
5. Star Wars JDU
6. Batman JDU
You can get All 6 for $66!
 have all kinds of different stuff for sale besides those, so it’s worth taking a tour of my store to see what I’m talkin about.

Timbo Boot Pulley Demo 2020
Timbo Boot Pulley Demo 2020

I’ve just been drawing. Practicing my pen & ink skills atm. I drew this beautiful picture just the other day, for example. So don’t be worrying about me. I don’t presently have any plans to go to NYC, or anywhere for that matter. By spring maybe I’ll have something different to say regarding all that. But between you and me, 2020 has done quite a number on the business and the stores I do business with across the U.S. I’ve only had TWO stores order magnets for their shelves this year! Only 2. So I really really hope that 2021 has better news waiting for us all in this dept as well.

So again, I’m here, I got magnets, and I’m feeling generous, including little extras in people’s orders. Try me! I appreciate your business and audience to how little I’ve got to show here lately. Thank you for all that.



Jesus Dressup crownhanger logoYes. I’m definitely taking this pandemic mayhem seriously while looking after my nearly-90 folks. Yesterday I went out for groceries with mask, rubber gloves and disinfecting wipes for 2 weeks worth of food. I’m sorry to say that I also think this is going to go on A LOT longer than just a few weeks (or even a few months). But no need to add more frowny faces to your day. I’ve also been doing lesser important things! Like making a new video from any available footage I could find to tell the story of my JesusDressup/Devil-costume years in New York. I originally was putting this collection of clips together to be used for the online exhibition scheduled for May (You heard me right. The exhibition is still happening.) but I think it turned out well enough to share with everyone now.

It’s basically a self-indulgent scrapbook assortment of highlights & mementos I’ve saved up from when Jesus Dressup hit the airwaves.  That and everything leading into my time dressing up as the devil in NYC from 2002 to 2015 all edited together to tell the story best I can. Although it officially all began in 2000 in Chicago with just Jesus Dressup online. It is also a blatant promotion of the product I design and sell. Want some?


My next assignment relating to this online exhibit next month is to scan all of my Creatures Of Neptune art to put on display! Most of the pen and ink drawings from the 90s have never been seen publicly before! It’s all very exciting and fulfilling for me.  This also includes my Humpty Dumpty booklet available for purchase.

Humpty Dumpty cover

Can I also say that it has not gone unnoticed how many of you are still buying stuff from me despite all that’s happening here, and around the world. I did not expect sales to continue for me. Thank you for your support! I’ve been including little gifts inside every order made since this all began. And there’s only one way for you to find out what those little gifts might possibly be 😉

Alice Kelson
Alice Kelson

I do have more plans for more videos in the weeks to come, and as soon as the weather gets nice enough to be outdoors I’m going to set up my own little make-shift coffee shop in our garage so I have a place to work on art projects. I find it nearly impossible to really express my creativity, with both writing and drawing in the house where my brain is constantly interrupted by junk phone calls, an attention craving dog, and all the basic distractions surrounding the desk in my bedroom. In short, I’m DYING to draw, and I’m almost at the spot where I feel free to do it.

Now, for the sake of a godless world with noone but us to make sure we survive, be careful and stay home for a couple weeks!


I’m trying really really hard not to begin another holiday blog with “It’s that time of year again!” and it ain’t easy, but I’m up for the challenge.

Original Jesus Dressup 2018

Anyhow, it’s almost that time of year again so I need to remind everybody I’ve got fridge magnets available! Six different versions of Jesus Dressup, a Trump and even some Mohammed ones still sitting around. So if you want to surprise your loved ones with a healthy dose of blasphemy this Christmas I’m over here with the solution. I have 6 versions of Jesus Dressup to be gotten for the twisted price of 6 for $66! I’m down to the last 200 of the Trump magnets so my guess is that the time on those is about to run out, if you get my drift. And the same goes for Mohammed.

Also, if you think there’s a weird little kitschy store in your neighborhood that doesn’t but should sell any of these please contact me somehow with their name and location and I’ll give it my best shot. For that I thank you!

I ALSO have a brand new suggestion of a possible gift for the season that no one asked for – Signed art prints by me.

I have chosen my favorite 15 works to make available for purchase. Ever since I started drawing with any sort of seriousness, my goal has been to make art I’d want to hang on my walls. Things I want to hang up with the style, colors, emotion and subject matter that I can’t seem to find anywhere else. Then afterwards completing that quest I’ve printed, matted, framed and hung them on my walls, just as planned!

Maria Manic
Maria Manic

Spending my time drawing these portraits has been what’s keeping me sane. I’ve been away from the city for 4 years now, and out of the handful of solutions I’ve tried to evoke for leveling my head, drawing, as usual, is the savior.

Now having just discovered a printshop here that does such a beautiful job, this was clearly the next step. It’s been inspiring too. It’s inspiring me to draw more, tweak my skills, take more chances and even find venues where I can show them off, both locally and even in NYC. Stay tuned for further details on that.

Oh, and always remember, God Blames Us.
Happy Holidays everyone.

Art, & little else

Jesus Dressup crownhanger logoRemember back in the day when I used to start off blogs with “So much has been going on to tell you about!”?  Well, things have changed. It’s been since June I last updated and even in those 4 months not a lot has happened. I’ve got a few art projects completed, Jesus and Trump magnets are still available, although the pile of Trumps is down almost to the end. Sales have been slow online, but the group of stores I sell to across the states are ordering some of everything on a consistent basis. And you should too!

Gigi Deluxe Dressup for your phone
Gigi Deluxe Dressup for your phone

Drawing pictures of the prettiest people is what’s been dominating most my creative time lately. First, the Gigi Deluxe Dressup game is completed and available for play on your phone!

So many sexy outfits! Go  see for yourself! There’s no end to the hot combinations of spears, sparkles and spectacular cleavage to enjoy!

Now Jake has made it clear to me that he always wants me to draw pictures of him no matter what. It’s a request I’m happy to oblige. I swear I’ve done so many drawings of Jake I could do it now without reference. But in this particular instance I was challenged to see what Jake might look like as a bodybuilder. And what I thought might be a struggle turned out to be one of the quickest successes I was able to sketch out in no time flat! The final result, in my opinion, is absolutely spectacular! I think some of you will completely agree.

Alex, Hairdresser 2019
Alex, Hairdresser 2019

Finally, I just completed this adorable portrait of the friend of a friend. More accurately, the hairdresser of a friend – Alex. I’ve been finding much contentment spending time on these projects. I’ve included the sketches for these latest pieces as per your request.