I knew this holiday was calling on me to update the goddamned blog. News is there’s 2 more shipments of Jesus Dressup due to arrive in just 10 days (April 28th)! Those two shipments are a pallet of Lady Gaga JDUs, and pallet of Supreme Deities JDU! I literally get goosebumps anticipating.

• The NEW Lady Gaga JDU was such a hit in 2012 I had to make it again, but with more hats and sunglasses!
• Supreme Deities JDU however is what I’m most excited to see. This is its first printing, and it has all of my most favorite gods, prophets and masters of the whole universe included, plus all of their magical accessories so you can make The One True God (Jesus Christ) even more powerful than he is already. I’d list all their names, but I want you to discover them yourself like you’re supposed to.
In case you missed it, there’s also a new updated BDSM JDU too. Which means there’s 3 new sets for 2022, and I’m ready to do business! But I need your help.

You see, it’s been since late 2019 when Covid hit, that I lost most stores for reasons I don’t need to explain. And finding new stores willing to carry Jesus Dressup can be a really lonely hobby. But I think every city must/should have at least one. Places like Peculiarium in Portland, Toy Tokyo in NYC, The Alternative in Ontario, or Puzzle’s Oddities in Muskegon Michigan are just the type of stores I’m lookin’ for.
This is where you can help me. If you think you know of a place in your town that’d display something as whack as Jesus Dressup on their shelves, send me their name and city and I’ll do the rest! I’ll contact them about sending samples, then if that store places an order I’ll send you a free set of your choosing, just for suggesting!
And this, my potential scouts, is your Easter Update.
Thank you for your continued interest and help with this ongoing obsession of mine.